Originally published at: Caitlin Reily impersonates every male "thinkfluencer" on YouTube | Boing Boing
The number and variety of Early 21st Century Western Arseholes gives her a mine that won’t be exhausted anytime soon.
So who are the thinkfluencers? A google search only brings up Siraj Raval. Is this a large category of youtube?
From the video, it looks like it’s MLM scams all the way down.
“If you want to be successful like me, buy my book, How to Write a Book and Be Successful Like Me While Conning Suckers Out of Their Money. And if you want to know the super success secrets that I didn’t even put in the book, subscribe to my business newsletter website deluxe premier gold membership for $29.99 a month and I’ll share exclusive secrets like how to sell useless subscription services filled with recycled Japanese management techniques and misunderstood Zen koans perverted to sound like business advice. Like and subscribe!”
That was spot on. I can’t stand these dudes, but they’re absolutely everywhere. They’re a big part of why I avoid whatever the new social media platform of the day is (well, that and all the other VERY problematic reasons for avoiding them).
Basically youtube/insta/tiktok versions of motivational speakers.
I was like “sure a lot of influencers may be gay, but what?” Then I was all “Ohhhh, you mean multi-level-marketing…”
I am actually pretty fond of Oxyclean, but I’d have never bought it if I had seen one of those ads first.
I guess I don’t have much exposure to “thinkfluencers” because I went into a boredom coma shortly into the first vid. Scrolling down I came to “Australia’s got talent” to hear the fucking worst impression of an Australian accent in the history of impressions. Sounds like a UK dialect botch-up. Caitlin who?
I am disappointed that this wasn’t a hilarious takedown of the likes of Sargon of Akkad.
That sounds like my definition of hell.
I want her to mock a few more people. It’s entertaining.
Or you can get a lifetime subscription! It’s a $34547 value, but 98% off in the BoingBoingShop!
It makes the attempt at the end of Point Break sound fantastic.
Yes, our accent is notoriously hard to imitate… always has a bit of Dick Van Dyke ‘cock-a-knee’ in there. I find humor in the ‘Simpsons’ take, which is to not even bother.
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