California gets ready to punch back

Ah, I see! Thank you.

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Yes, they do, however I can see how it would be easy to spin it otherwise. Spending in NYC tends to be a lot more visible than spending elsewhere (because everything in NYC is more visible than elsewhere), especially big infrastructure projects with big price tags. Also, NYC governance is weird and complicated, so (not an expert, but from what I see in the news it seems like) NYC needs to get Albany’s permission for a lot of things and that can look like asking for money. For example, a lot of public transit spending spans NYC and its suburbs, so state government spending is involved even if as a whole the system more than pays for itself.


The wall probably wouldn’t have a major impact on people’s ability to sneak across the border in a world where ladder technology exists. It would royally mess up life for a lot of other migratory species though.


No need; I’d almost posted the Biggie Smalls song about "Cali "instead, but I wanted to be more retro.

Political affiliation had nothing to do with my choice of song in mocking people who actually care about something so trivial at a time like this…


<trivia type=“local linguistic”>
“San Peeeedro” reflects the linguistic influence of the substantial Italian community at the port, who know the Saint as “San Pietro”.


New initiative: teaching all migratory species to use ladders! Finally! Everyone truly wins!

Footface: saving the world, since RIGHT NOW!


A Folk Wagon, perhaps?


You might not want to quote Ford as a man of the people on fascism or in discussions where the Jews come up…

(As a non-American, you may not realize that Henry Ford was a horrible human being who owned a paper that peddled anti-Semitic propaganda…)


I would rather be a mondiot.. :earth_americas::earth_africa::earth_asia:
Do the French have a word for a global citizen?


That squares with my observations, too. The global super-class would only be helped by successful seccession.

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If so, I have a question: Why not change immigration laws?

Because the 100 millionaires and billionaires who profit won’t allow us, the rest of us, the equal representation needed to change the laws. They state over and over again that they are more equal than the rest of us.


So you think ma and pa kettle in the “American Heartland” really want to change immigration laws and make it easier for foreigners to come and stay?

No, but the PoC and others there and in the South are denied the representation needed to override the kettlepinions.

I’m not sure those groups are necessarily hot on immigration either.
I’m not just being contrary. I really am not sure given the theme of nativism in American culture.



Racism in the “heartland” is one half of the equation. But @andy_hilmer is correct, too – the ownership class loves the kind of cheap labour that comes only from the undocumented.


Doesn’t everyone like restaurants?

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Sure, but part of the experience is pretending that the dishes and tables are cleaned off by magic elves when they go out to eat at exotic foreign eateries like The Olive Garden.


Those are the same elves that worked on my sewer lateral, right?


That’s the thing, a wall doesn’t stop someone coming in - it stops the flow across the border back and forth. Right now illegal entry is a two-way street with more leaving than staying. With the wall all the people leaving won’t be stopped, but now coming back with money after seasonal work or whatever else has ended is dead - especially if Trump plans (as advertised) to enable border control violence.