California Senate steps towards ending vaccination exemptions

I should have been more clear…kids on motorcycles are required by law to wear helmets in every state. Parents can’t choose not to let them ride without.


The only claim I have made is that vaccinations are not 100% safe, and I get that imformation directly from the CDC.

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Living without the vaccinations isn’t, either.

You also weakly claimed that this is about the government “protecting billion dollar industries”. Which might be a valid thing to look at… if people were trying to get the cost of the vaccinations down, rather than trying to avoid getting them altogether.


That’s how you can know that your vision is clouded. “Blinded by rage” is a figure of speech that occurs in many languages, I’m told. And generally, rage is not a good place to begin a convincing argument. If you want people to do things, telling them they are monsters is not helpful.

Sure they can. Most people break the law every day.

People think that writing something down on paper and threatening people will change behavior and beliefs, and that persuasion and education informed by compassion and understanding are a waste of time. But really the exact opposite is true.


The bill in question only changes the philosophical exemption, not the medical one.

Anyway, let’s look at what the CDC says about side effects: Possible Side effects from Vaccines | CDC

In particular, let’s look at mmr: Possible Side effects from Vaccines | CDC

A lot of people will get some slight fever, rashes, etc. 1/6, for the fever. Some will get joint pain.

A few will get febrile seizures. 1/3000 Any fever can cause these, and they pass when the fever does, so it’s frightening but not a long term worry.

An order of magnitude less will get a low platelet count. So don’t go cutting your self for a little while and you’ll be fine.

Two orders of magnitude less than that, we have severe allergic reactions. These could be serious and these people, if their allergy is known beforehand, should be exempted.

Finally, we have a short list of very serious problems which have occurred after a child receives MMR. However, they state:

These are so rare that it is hard to tell whether they are caused by the vaccine.


Glittering generalities… Back up what you say with some evidence. I took the time to add some references and details in my earlier post. Why can’t you do the same? Why is it a crappy business? Where are you getting your info? Share your research…

In following the money trail, you’ll find the truth of the matter.


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Must be the vaccines.


And what, pray tell, is exactly 100% safe and effective? Homeopathy? Magic crystals? Give it a fracking rest already.


It’s not logic - It’s research. Why are you supportive of Big Pharma? Fear? Ignorance?

As I said their predatory criminal activity includes charges of: unlawful marketing, kickbacks to doctors, withholding safety data, deceptive advertising, fraudulent vaccine data, healthcare fraud, and pharmacide.

This is the short list! These massive settlements are ongoing and now part of their business ‘model’.

The issue of Kickbacks to Doctors is pervasive and widespread. Is this ok with you?

Most of the ANTI-Vaxxer accusations wielded here in this thread are weak. From my research, and many who agree with my position, who question the pharma co’s motives, are NOT necessarily anti vaccine across-the-board. Some vaccines have value… but 69 doses?

MMR costs the CDC $19.90 for a 10 pack. i.e. $1.99 a dose. (~$6 for the private sector) Any you take it once or twice in your life. See:

By contrast a month of Lipitor costs over $100. Any you take it for many months.

It is hard to tell what the production costs are for each, but the difference in the flows of money in is clear.

EDIT: This Atlantic article about vaccine profitability seems pretty good:

Apparently vaccines were not profitable in the '70s and '80s but now are. They still aren’t as profitable as other pharmaceuticals.


As the Sainted George W. Bush often said, it’s important to keep your ears and mind firmly closed at all times. Never negotiate!

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They can’t be convinced, anymore than a 9-11 truther or a Moon Hoaxer or a Global Warming Denier can be convinced. There are authorities who deal with other forms of neglect, and this needs to be added to the list of “things you will do if you live in our society.” No vaccination record, no school entry and a visit by the authorities.

Thank you Captain Pedantic…they can’t legally allow their kids to ride without a helmet and will be prosecuted if a policeman sees them.


Right, they are unrelentingly evil, inhuman, and impervious to reason. They’re probably not even circumcised, the savages!

Raging about the inhumanity of antivaxxers is all the fad these days, but it’s disconcerting to those of us who have read “In the Garden of Beasts”.

Oh well, now I’ve Godwinned the thread.

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Would this be a bad time to point out that the only reference in your post ( doesn’t exist?


There is, however, the unfortunate counterexample of colchicine. Pharmacuetical companies are often run as if they’re only in it for the money.

It looks like even if one doesn’t have any serious immediate health impacts from a measles infection, there is a correlation with health problems down the line (including increased death rates)
Measles vaccination may help prevent other illnessess, study says - The Globe and Mail

Where measles vaccines have been introduced, childhood deaths often plummet by as much as 50%. Measles is deadly, but before the vaccines were introduced in 1963, the virus did not directly cause half of all childhood disease deaths. In other words, where measles vaccines have been introduced, they were associated with reductions in more childhood disease deaths than were actually caused by the measles.
A measles mystery: how could the vaccine prevent deaths from other diseases too?

Haha, that’s… oh… oh, that’s a real thing. Homeopathis car brakes are real, that’s fantastic.


.@LDoBe, pump your brakes. Form your complete thoughts, then post. I suspect very few people want to read a full dozen long posts from one person, even the people who agree with you.

(@admin What happened to the bbs feature that prevented a single poster from spamming the hell out of an entire comment thread?)


Because @ldobe disagrees with you repeatedly and points out the fallacy of your positions, the posts are spam? Your condescension is as unbecoming as your ill-informed views.