California Senate steps towards ending vaccination exemptions

No, because there are 12 posts by one person (#9, #11, #12, #14, #16, #19, #20, #22, #27, #29, #31, #39).

The system used to prevent excessive postings by a single user on a single thread.

(Also, did you read my view (#3)? I am not actually not against being vaccinated, even if that’s what people wanted to infer.)

That’s my third post so I’m done on this thread!

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Well that’s just the unnatural version that’s been commoditized by corporate greed and forced upon us by evil governments. (Do you know how much money corporations make from water barrels?*) You should only drive into all-natural sources of water - rivers, lakes and oceans.

*No, really, do you know? I have no idea.


…which is why they’re literally GIVEN AWAY.

Your post is a lie. Vaccines are not profitable. Pharma companies and insurance companies literally give them away on a regular basis because it’s way, way cheaper to prevent illness than to spend enormous amounts of money treating it once contracted.



Why do you hate babies and the elderly? Your deeply misleading “facts” will lead to needless suffering for countless millions. Allow me to quote myself:

If you can use a vaccine, and you use choose not get immunized, you are a selfish jerk because you are knowingly put others at risk.

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Wait, wait… since water is what’s actually doing the braking, doesn’t it need to be diluted for maximum effectiveness?

So… rainstorms and fog banks are where it’s at.


Generally vaccinations cost less than a lifetime of yoga practice in a nice studio. Price can be and is an issue for some communities with low vaccination rates but the loudest protests seem to come from another sector.


Absolutely. I don’t mean to discount that the price could be an issue for some people that may need to be addressed in some way. I’m sorry if I came across that way.

I just think the amount of money made by the companies that make the vaccines isn’t really what this particular fight is about.


So all the money I paid to vaccinate my kids was imaginary, and pharmaceutical companies are all self-sustaining by their own inherent virtue? Good lord, I had no idea!

I don’t believe other people exist for my personal benefit, or for my children’s benefit, or even for society’s benefit. If I did believe in all that, I wouldn’t be advocating vaccination, I’d be advocating mass euthanasia, because we’d all be better off with far fewer humans on this planet. Why stop at half measures?

You’re right. And for the most vocal antivaxxers, what it’s about is the human need to designate enemies and polemicize against them. Many people have a deep psychological need to find someone to attack, and antivaxxers are obviously stupid and wrong (in my opinion, anyway) so they are a perfect target.

I didn’t say they were all free, or always free. I said that they are OFTEN given away, especially by insurance companies. They can save bonkers amounts of money by immunizing kids and preventing terrible, expensive diseases.

Vaccines are marked up massively by doctors’ offices, not pharmaceutical companies. They aren’t a big moneymaker for phama – they’re a HUGE moneymaker for doctors.


I think it may be a demonstration of entitled folks who are looking for some place to show they have more control over their lives than the government, and making a very bad choice of stands to take.


Washing your hands before preparing a meal isn’t “100% safe.” What if someone set the water heater temperature dangerously high and you scald yourself? What if there is explosive natural gas in the pipes due to nearby fracking? What if the water treatment plant had an off day and the entire supply is crawling with Cryptosporidium?

Yet we still mandate that food providers wash their hands because the danger of not doing so (to themselves and others) is many, many orders of magnitude higher.


Nicely put… I’m going to steal your narrative the next time I talk to an anti-vaxxer!

signing off “be well!” might as well be “be lucky!”

I had a neighbor and friend die from H1N1, a vaccine might have saved him. But he’s dead now so we can’t debate the efficacy of vaccines. Anti-Vaxers make me sick… or rather, other people sick.

Science. It works (mostly, but we keep improving).


That’s exactly our problem, it’s sadly not a matter of research, fact, science, public health, or sanity and therefore we get opinions like yours and are forced to take the actions discussed in the article.


It explains why the Libertarians literally take a “free market” approach to public health.

Thanks brainspore! But unfortunately, I think I am still a dozen or so analogies away from understanding anything outside of throwing virgins into a volcano.

Oh, you would say that, since you’re obviously a shill for “big hand-washing.” The worldwide soap market is more than four times bigger than the vaccine market!.* How can we trust these unscrupulous bubble-merchants? What if you have a religious belief against hand-washing? Thankfully the republicans are actually brave enough to take on the slippery interests of big HW. ( )

*True fact. In 2000, the worldwide soap market was worth over $88 billion. Vaccines were a paltry $5 billion market. Vaccine sales have subsequently more than quadrupled, but the soap market has also increased.


Everybody needs a vaccine. There are billions of customers.

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Fucking Big Germ Theory.

(Sadfact, people are rejecting germ theory these days as well :frowning: )


Are there billions of customers? Remember, a good number of people have already had their vaccinations. Those people can’t be considered potential customers anymore (except for the flu vaccine I suppose).