Ah yes. Those innocent times where excitedly shouting in a funny way was enough to be a disqualifier for the highest office in the land.
Look, potato is a really hard word to spell!
Wait… how’s that go again?
And he still got elected.
That was a slippery slope from a VP who couldn’t spell “potato” to a president who couldn’t even speak in complete or coherent sentences even when reading from a teleprompter.
I’m not shocked.
Which is sad.
Seems like there was a Republican party in the past somewhat opposed to insurrection and civil war.
Sometimes Scoutmasters fight for evil
It almost seems like they’re more interested in waging war than winning an election.
This rhetoric could confuse diehard MAGA 's. If Trump loses, there’s the promise of an insurrection done right, which appears to be more of an end goal than a means to an end. If Trump wins, there’s the promise of government-sanctioned retribution which might be less appealing to the more extreme factions. Seems like quite the existential conundrum.
i’ve been saying for a while that violence is the language conservatives speak. this snippet doesn’t do anything to dispel that notion.
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