Calls for violent insurrection at Vance event

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Willing to bet Lang can run even faster than Hawley if shooting breaks out…


They’re freaking out because they’re so very close to getting absolutely everything they want - and suddenly it’s all in question and they may lose everything. Nuclear meltdown.


If he leads the charge, be very afraid. He’s a lifelong member of the Boy Scouts. He’ll tie you in knots and set fire to you if he’s got the proper kindling.

(This is a Scout leader?)


At what point does it become criminal incitement?


… this is Schrodinger’s Insurrection

It’s supposed to scare rich people into donating to Republican candidates, and scare poor people into not voting, so Trump will win, so there won’t be any need for an insurrection

If Trump loses, and there is another insurrection, the Democrats will certainly see it coming this time and crush it with no mercy


Michael Keaton No GIF


SO ANYWAY. Just to be clear, this rally was held at a high school. Vance’s alma mater, Middletown High School. I know it’s summer break, but still. Raving about needing a shooting war in America over philosophical disagreements — at a high school. The true face of Trump Derangement Syndrome; these people are lost.


To be fair, that’s not what Vance and the Trump campaign are doing… they are calling for the violent elimination of entire groups of people, the violent subjugation of women, the violent imposition of their fucked up interpretation of Christianity, etc, etc… the only “philosophy” associated with their “policies” is a violent kind of nihilism associated with fascism. They don’t give a shit about winning people over, they want the rest of us to be cowed enough to give in.



They already did, and yeah, it’s likely they will again. That doesn’t mean they will be unopposed, let alone that they will prevail.

Giving in to despair helps nothing.


Bullshit. There is ALWAYS a choice. YOU have just decided to give in to their demands for violence. We don’t have to do that.

And that means that the rest of us have to? Bullshit. Just look at the Civil Rights movement and what they accomplished via non-violent means of protest, even in the face of mass violence.

Don’t let them dictate terms, because that’s how we lose.


“It’s going to take a civil war to save the country” if the Republicans lose, hollered Lang.

This isn’t Civil War related, but is the red MAGA cap the new red coat? Here’s hoping it doesn’t come to war, but if it does let’s hope the red caps fare as well as the red coats did during the American Revolution.

No, they are the black or brown shirts. They are not an imperial army, they are internal fascists.


Who the Hell do you think was doing the firebombings in e.g. Birmingham (aka “Bombingham”)? It sure as fuck wasn’t the civil rights movement.


Yeah, you did. by saying that violence is inevitable, that a war is inevitable, you did. That’s what that means, that you accept their terms.

What? No.

That wasn’t the CR activists. That was the pro-segregationist. You really need to go back and study up on the movement, which, was very much employed in non-violent resistance. There were certainly civil rights groups that embraced defensive violence, but it was not the mainstream of what we think of as the classical CR movement. Gandhian non-violence was the primary tactic.

And there are other ways to confront it than pro-active violence, which is what you’re calling for here. Defensive violence isn’t the same thing as agreeing to go to war. Which is WHAT you’re doing here. Being prepared to defend oneself and one’s community is different than gearing up for “an inevitable” war…

Apparently, Dr. King had a secret bomb factory in his basement… :roll_eyes:


Honestly, I have no idea what I was trying to communicate there. Whatever it was, it wasn’t what was coming out.

Okay… so what were you trying to say? If it’s “be prepared for right wing violence” I think many of us are on that page already. But them committing acts of violence doesn’t necessarily mean a civil war. There has been decades of right wing violence already, and it’s not resulted in a civil war thus far. It is a possible outcome, but it’s not inevitable. That’s all people were trying to say here to you.

We all are worried about that happening, but it hasn’t happened yet, so it’s still just a possibility among several possibilities.


Okay… so what were you trying to say?

Upon reflection: that I am unhappy with the state of affairs and do not think anything that has happened recently represents a material improvement. Which isn’t a useful statement, and isn’t worth discussing.

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I think it very much is worth discussing, though. I think figuring out why you feel this way matters and if we can help in that regard, I think many of us would like to do that.

Things are dark, I know, but it’s not done yet. They have not won yet, and we can organize to ensure that they don’t win.

You’re not alone. There are people here who care and want to improve the world we live in.