Campus cop orders students to scribble over penis on a "free speech ball"

I will refrain from further puerile innuendo. But damn.


“Pick up that can.”

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Supposedly that was the original name, but I’ve literally never heard it called anything but “the mall” or “that big middle place with the elm trees” in my entire life. I bet your parents still call it the Mall ;).

It’s probably a good way to spot out-of-towners.

I don’t know if you’ll be able to resist. He is quite literally a FIGHTING COCK.

Completely not kidding. Fear the chicken!

I think the drawing of the penis is a conversation starter not stopper. You could talk about courtesy, the difference between talking to friends and in public, and why some people may be uncomfortable with such a drawing. I think that this was a learning opportunity lost…

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This drawing of hands is offensive. Why does the drawing have four white hands, and only three striped hands? Also, the presence of fingers is offensive because they suggest penises. I have flagged this image for immediate removal.


Maybe they could’ve evened it out with a drawing of a twat on the other side.

I know a guy who went to the University of South Carolina (mascot: Gamecocks) back in the 70s. On a lark he and some friends ran a huge banner out their dorm window prior to a big football game against an arch rival, reading “WE WON’T LET CLEMSON LICK OUR COCKS.”

My friend soon got a call from the Dean strongly suggesting he take the banner down post haste if he enjoyed attending the University. He complied.

Then he got a follow-up call later that day in which the Dean sheepishly asked if he still had the banner. Apparently a rich alumni donor had seen the banner earlier that day and had thought it was hilarious, so back up it went.


Either you never used a bathroom the whole time you were a student, or your school’s janitorial staff was far more assiduous than most.

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