Campus cop orders students to scribble over penis on a "free speech ball"

The cop had no business getting involved, that’s prior restraint, or close enough that it doesn’t matter.

Now, another student intercepting said ball and chucking it somewhere inaccessible and stating the obvious, “Your ball is dumb,” that’s just good fun. A ball isn’t just a newspaper, it’s an opportunity for a game of keepaway.

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Is it covered with ivy and riddled with silverfish?


You could have stopped after the second paragraph, but nooooo…


You, sir, are on a roll today!

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Generational, probably.

This whole “cartoon cock and balls drawn absolutely everywhere is hilarious” thing simply didn’t exist when I was at school in the 70s/80s. It isn’t that we weren’t into crude/dumb humour, or that we would have had any particular objection to it. It just wasn’t a meme back then.

Now, it’s apparently universal throughout school systems worldwide.


I’d say he’s on the ball even!


Growing up in the 70s/80s I now feel like I have missed out on cartoon cock and balls.

At least I had 5318008 on a calculator.


Clarifying: the headlines analogy is just shorthand for “Will I feel proud of this decision, or ashamed?”

I’m saying the cop may be proud of his decision.

Nothing to do with actual newspapers.


Never draw a rent-a-cop’s portrait without permission.


He belongs in HR at a large company. Can decide stuff like this on regular basis.

“Bill has a calendar up and and it’s all pictures of dwarfs dressed up like clowns. My sister is a dwarf and I don’t appreciate this.”

“Every time I see Larry he says Na-nu-na-nu’ and does something weird with his hand. I think it’s a sexual reference.”

“Bob has a beach ball with a penis drawn on it. He said it’s a conversation starter.”


A lawyer once advised me to ask officers “Is that a request or an order?”


Free the penis!

Too bad the headline won’t be, “Student Schools Cop About The First Amendment”

[quote=“Medievalist, post:11, topic:76835”]
If you listen to the officer, basically he’s saying that he knows that he’s going to get an angry phone call about this, and he’s going to have to investigate it as a hate crime, and he’d really rather be doing something else. So he’s asking to have “at least the giant penis” scribbled over.[/quote]

To which the correct response should have been, “No.”


I went to school in the 70s and 80s. There were dicks drawn on everything.


“Jeez kid, stop standing there letting me project all over you.”

You are damn right I didn’t stop. If we are going to acknowledge one extreme like “Self-righteous right wing corrupt free speech hating cops” then we need to acknowledge the OTHER extreme “Self righteous left wing free speech hating insert any group name here

This is not a Right sided problem only. I have found just as many self-proclaimed champions of the oppressed love to oppress others! Its a drawing of a penis. It’s juvenile at best. It is not a symbol of female oppression everywhere. Yet there will be someone who walks by and claims it is. If you always find yourself at the top of mountains and never on the top of mole hills…its because you are the one creating it.

Free speech can be a tough call sometimes.

Maybe it was a talking penis. And the officer heard it talking to him.

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My alma mater. Go, Blue Hens. Yay.


Is that what you call them.

This is our mascot. His name is “YouDee.”