Canadian soldiers have been given their marijuana marching orders

I wonder if the 28 days stems from some type of “zero substance left in the body” rule for pilots and similar personnel. If so, I don’t know if that’s for practical reasons or for legal ones.

Probably. Pot detectable in urine clears out of the system after 30 days maximum, losing it effects much earlier of course. They probably rounded it off to four weeks to make sure no-one who’s following the rules will fail a pee test at the start of deployment.

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Dude, I smoke plenty of weed (never at work, though) and I know a few west coast tech types who do their best work stoned. Going off in the woods and smoking joints and shooting guns is also loads of fun.

All that said, I think there are very legitimate reasons to not want air traffic controllers, pilots, and large concentrations of kids carrying military weaponry to be stoned.

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Canadians really are super-reasonable! I thought that was just a stereotype.

From Kate Beaton…


Personally, I would feel safest if soldiers could toke up whenever they felt like it. :v:
The thought of drunken soldiers scares the hell outta me.
Drunken sailors, not so much.

Better hope Trumpty-Dumpty (or is he a gross caterpillar sitting on a toad stool, now?) does not declare war on Canada without giving 28 days’ notice.

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