Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/01/28/canadian-traffic-accident.html
Chinese are chill about jams too.
A good piece on measles in China, anti-vaxxers, herd immunity and California here:
Find the anti-vaxxers and spread them to the winds.
The Canadian version of playing “catch” with your friends/siblings.
Oh, wait, never mind… Game On!
…and speaking Japanese, even more clever.
The video stops just before the one guy pulled the other guy’s jacket over his head and pummeled him mercilessly for a short time. As is the custom, he was made to go sit in his car for two minutes and think about what he had done.
Sorry aboot that.
Look at those Canadians with their Thug Sticks trying to intimidate regular people! They’re probably human traffickers and drug dealers - we need a wall!
What can I say, my hockey stick is always in my trunk.
Went to a 75 car pile-up and a hockey game brook oot!
We can learn a lot from Canada.
And the Canadians will
Pay for it!
Eerrrrrrrr, cough, cough
No easy access to it? What good is that!
That’s a comment which requires a entire
thread of it’s own!
Does that mean that you’re looking for someone who gives a puck?
I’ll let myself out…
That or they just love badminton. Its a popular activity among Malaysian Chinese as well.
I thought the spontaneous dance party was awesome!
Canadians would probably do this too but, I’m guessing it’s just to damn cold to bust some moves.
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