Originally published at: Capitol Officer Sicknick time-traveled, then died from the Covid vax, suggests far-right radio host | Boing Boing
I hope the officer’s family is able to successfully sue this piece of shit.
NewsMax seems to be where the far right test markets their looniest conspiracy theories to see how dumb the suckers really are.
If the vaccine gives you time travel powers, I’m going back to before Trump was elected and trying to find some way to change this madness.
Their advertisers are paying for gullible customers.
How can you tell? The whole approach of the Republican party and all their media wings right now seems to be to just say basically crazy things that only sound vaguely plausible if you don’t think about them at all. If there’s any sort of interaction with the idea, they collapse, a sort of quantum bullshit.
Have we considered the possibility that Sicknick might have been struck by fragments from an AIM-9 missile fired at a Chinese balloon by the Biden administration?
Sure, if you bring that up, they’ll just dismiss it as nonsense – which only proves to me that they’ve got something to hide.
Paging Mr. Occam, paging Mr. Occam, we have your razor…
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