Originally published at: Senator Ron Johnson said it "may be true" that the Covid vaccination can give people AIDS | Boing Boing
Sounds like he doesn’t understand the difference between “may,” “might,” “could” and “well technically anything is possible…”
I can’t imagine what it must be like to be a medical professional in the year 2022. To dedicate so many years of your life and sacrifice so much in the pursuit of protecting the lives and health of your fellow human beings, only to be slandered as a genocidal maniac and/or child molester by 40 percent of Americans.
Right? I’d say that doctors right now have it worse than teachers even. It’s depressing.
Counterpoint: Listening to Todd Callender and Ron Johnson will definitely give you CIDS - Conservative Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.
The deception swirl really seems to be winning. It’s horribly depressing to see people willing to contribute to these types of craven lies.
I can’t see a way to stop it, but we all know how it’s going to end.
No, he is just applying old standby AIDS denialism to the new anti-science movement of the day. The root of this is the homophobic conspiracy theory that HIV is a harmless virus and that AIDS is caused by the immoral behavior of the day (drugs, gay sex, anti-retroviral drugs, or trying not to kill people with COVID) which weakens your immune system and causes AIDS.
I suppose it could be worse. An actual practicing physician also serving in Congress could have said you could get AIDS from sweat and tears. Oh, wait, that did happen.
Unsurprising twist: it was a Republican.
The very embodiment of Republicans thinking they can have their cake and eat it too. I mean I don’t know if Ron Johnson is all the way in on this bullshit, but either way his statement sounds like someone who things they can manage the fringe while riding it to tax cut heaven.
To be fair, the D establishment pretends to go along with a progressives agenda while doing the same “of course, but go slow, the people aren’t ready, don’t rock the boat.” The difference, of course, being the relative merits of the “fringe” (widely popular and helpful) progressive agenda vs. the fringe (holy fucksocks) rightwing agenda. But we can’t talk about actual relative merits or morality of political positions, that would be taking sides! both sides! procedure! decorum! tactics! horse race!
According to a rumor I just started, Ron Johnson is shit wrapped in human skin. It’s true too.
Press charges or shut up.
As an old science nerd (see my badge?) a feckless muttering particularly of late is: “Why have our leaders failed to learn any basic science!?”. Do law schools tend to reject any decent marks in science on the LSATs? The pandemic and their horrific efforts to ban basic reproductive health-care really underscore this gob-smacking absence. Can’t they hire at least one policy advisor who managed at least a C average in high-school biology!? Try asking a politician some basic questions… “When, senator, exactly is ‘conception’?” or “When is an embryo deemed a fetus?”; would they be surprised to learn that neither of those have a generally accepted non-arbitrary answer? nah… it’s just whatever their rich donors say it is. -sigh-
They/GQP’ers prefer “God did it” or “It’s God’s will” etc, then you don’t have to do all that thinking stuff, makes their heads hurty.
Law school teaches you how to win arguments, not how to use reason to uncover the truth. Lawyers begin with a position they MUST defend - which is exactly opposed to science.
Karma is taking way too long to address these assholes.
That’s so 1980ies.
Made me mad back then too.
Name those 100 “doctors” right now so we can start going after their licenses.
I should stop caring about this shit, except that inevitably I hear it back again from parents who are refusing to vaccinate their kids. Because “bullshit bullshit fucking bullshit”