Car misses exit and causes two large trucks to flip over, driver doesn't care

There’s this presumption that advances in computing are somehow indicative of the scale of advances in other areas - which is obviously false.


Are you thinking of the infamously copy-cat inspiring car chase scene from To Live and Die in LA ? The corrupt Secret Service Agents deliberately drive the wrong way on the freeway in order to use the resulting pile-up as a wall of chaos between themselves and their pursuers.

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You make a good case and set a good example. Punitive damages are indeed a work for the judiciary, and lynch laws must never be an option.

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According to what’s posted on the YouTube video, the driver is Chinese.

Some Chinese have a reputation of being very self-centered.

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I agree with you that shaming over the internet just feels wrong (“ishy”, as my dad used to say, twisting his mouth in an expression of disgust). It’s an ugly business; there is no end to it; how best shall we spend our precious mortal days?

I am furthermore won over by @AndreStmaur’s argument that we should not commit public shaming because punitive damages are the responsibility of the judiciary.

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“Safety Kills” I always say, specifically when confronted with a timid merger. I can only do so much short of stopping my car to make you feel comfortable in merging. However, worse than then timidly unsafe are those in the OP video - people who can’t be inconvenienced, at the inconvenience of others. These are largely people who pull into the wrong turn lane at a light and refuse to own the mistake by making the turn and turning around somewhere else on their own time. They’ll just correct the mistake then and there on everyone else’s time, by not turning on green and waiting until the lane they wanted to be in starts to move again.


maybe it is but never saw that movie in full

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I could have done and busted four of your sweetest doughnuts in that time zone

Only one truck flipped over. The other simply jackknifed. Poor reporting, BB. Am disappoint.

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I grew up and learned to drive in the Bay Area, and being a passenger in a taxi or bus in China ranks among some of the scariest experiences in my life. It’s a special kind of insane there.


There is a TV series called “Don’t Drive Here” on Discovery… it’s a great way to see how driving culture differs around the world. The Indian instructor admonishing the Canadian host for looking over his shoulder when turning or changing lanes explains so much.


…and uncrop…


They omitted the best one of all…


Because punitive damages are the responsibility of the judiciary and anything else does not respect rule of law.

I would like to point out that I am not the person who wrote “dragging someone into the street and hanging them” and just wrote “Lynch law”. According to Wikipedia, “Lynch law” simply refers to “own brand of law independent of legal authority”:

I am therefore not sure who won that badge.

I see that jack-assery all the damn time. I’MMA SWING WIDE TO TAKE THIS TURN!

Sheesh, Martha, you’re going 10 miles an hour, and that SUV IS bigger than a Prius, but you don’t really need to take up a lane and half. You’re dropping kids off at soccer, not shipping a tanker car with live sharks for MAERSK.


Thank you! That rule is one of the first things I taught my kids as drivers. Missing your exit (or turn, or making a wrong turn) is not a life-or-death emergency. Just re-route. So many drivers make emergency moves to catch that exit, often with tragic results.


Car misses exit

They made their exit. Fake News!

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You are right, I shot without aiming.

I award you the Badge of Exoneration.