Cart Narc describes own buttocks in latest parking lot confrontation

Originally published at: Cart Narc describes own buttocks in latest parking lot confrontation | Boing Boing


Seemed fake

The cart offender did seem like an overly dramatic actor.


I’ve seen a couple of these, and they just leave me thinking, “Of all the things requiring a public shaming these days, and you chose this?”


He’s kind of a jerk even when told to leave the property.


I don’t know if I’d consider cart narcs a canary of civility. People who just grab carts and put them back without making a big deal about it are. Being civil is a personal choice, not something you go out of you way to impose on others.

It makes sense he would be told to leave the property. No business wants drama and possibly a fight breaking out in their parking lot. It is also someone’s job to put the stray carts back, in the least confrontational way possible.


If this is real, at the very least everyone is the asshole. The “host” is working really hard at his “above the fray” attitude but it comes across as massively dickish.


Cart Narc is trying to destroy the American economy. As @CoyoteDen posted bringing back carts drom the parking lot is actually some store employees job. Cart Narc is an asshole.

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