Cat riding on car at 60 miles per hour

I got in the car one day after work to find our cat in the back seat. I had left the car window open over night, and closed it when I went to work in the morning. She seemed quite content and happy to see me. Lucky for all of us it was a cloudy fall day.


I had a cat that used to run for the door when I got in the car. She liked to ride on that deck by the back window. (what do you call that?) Anyway, she used the door knocker when she wanted to come in. (I missed posting in that topic) Best cat ever!


Eh, probably would have been fine just doing that “flying squirrel” cat leap they do. Cats are badass, even the little ones. Just an hour ago I watched one of our 8 week old foster kittens leap from between the spindles on the 7th step of the stairs. I gasped, no problem for kitty.

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