Catherynne Valente schools her racist neighbors about the asylum seekers in their midst

I had never even heard of Nextdoor before, but it sounds pretty awful – like 4chan for busybody neighbors.

(ETA: I just decided to sign up – after stepping through an arduous sign-in process with it trying to slurp up all my contacts and giving me about 10 screens asking me to spam people, I got signed in. The first thing it did was post to my neighborhood’s board with my full name and address. I basically deactivated my account immediately afterward. Fuck that shit.

ETA2: Oh, and it gets worse. To delete (versus deactivate) my account I have to contact a person through a form – which leads me back to the same page as before with instructions on how to deactivate. They clearly want to make it as difficult as possible to get your account purged.

ETA3: Finally found the “delete my account” request form. We’ll see how long it takes for them to actually delete it. I had to put in a ton of information to get the form to submit because apparently just wanting to delete my account isn’t a good enough reason.)