Catty George Santos scolds (ex) senate staffer accused of having sex in Capitol

Originally published at: Santos scolds Capitol sex staffer


Some politicians are screwing over people every day, George Santos not least of all. Well, these days he’s doing it on Cameo. This one’s a bit like seeing how the sausage is made.

I think he’s just mad he didn’t do it first…


Oh man, I missed this guy’s non apology.

“poor judgement”? My dude. Pretty much every workplace will fire you for having sex at it. You could have maybe gotten away with it if you hadn’t filmed it and put it on the internet. Come the fuck on, man. You aren’t the victim here.

I am 100% sure that Aiden wasn’t the first person to do this, but got to be sneaky about it.

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I mean, it’s not like I wouldn’t be fired if I filmed myself having sex at my workplace so it’s a little hard to muster much sympathy for the fired staffer. And he has been fired, so time to move on.

Obviously George Santos is one of the worst people to call him out for this kind of thing in any event, especially after the Herculean lengths he went through to get himself fired from a job in that building.


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