CBC "pauses" Twitter use after it gets the dreaded government tag

Yeah, hockey, sports, “Murdock” (not that one) account for a lot of that. Recast this as “no free hockey” and see how that goes :slight_smile: As for coverage of news, CTV and CBC are pretty much the same. I often bounce between both for an interesting story and see essentially identical reportage. Global has a definite lean but even there local coverage tries. EG here in Edmonton Daniel Smith’s “lack of consistency” :wink: is well reported.


“Pausing”, huh? What, do they think Twitter’s going to start turning around any day now? Just leave already and stop supporting your abuser.


Not quite. They are labeled as public broadcast services, as are the BBC and Channel 4 in the UK and DW in Germany.

Al Jazeera gets the government funded label.


Along with a link providing context for what that label means. So no, definitely not the same thing as Elon’s “government funded media” labels.


Twitter currently decides what content that the CBC can show to Canadians, for its own profit and benefit. This is, in my opinion, unacceptable. The CBC should not be relying on an American company to distribute its content.

Thus, the Fediverse. The CBC must run its own social media servers.

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Are you sure you hate playing Devil’s advocate?


…and since I haven’t seen it mentioned in this thread yet, Poilievre wrote a letter to Twitter asking Musk to label the CBC as such. I’m willing to bet Musk wouldn’t have noticed little old us up here otherwise (despite his spending some time in Canada when he was younger).

Poilievre is a ridiculous little man. Doing his very best mini-Trump impression.


Like every time someone comments on one my videos opening with, “I hate to be that guy, but…”.

Bullshit. You love being that guy. If you hated it, you wouldn’t keep doing it. What follows usually gets them banned from my comments.


The Devil already has all the best lawyers on his payroll, there’s no need for anyone else to provide pro-bono work.


Definitely be better than using Twitter, although being on the fediverse just means that every server admin gets to decide whether or not their users are allowed to see specific content from anyone, which is also not great.

Maybe they should just put out an RSS feed and we can go back to something that worked?


It’s true that every server will have their own moderation policies, but you are free to move servers if you disagree with the policies on your server. If you disagree with Twitter’s stance on something, your option is to take it or be shut out of the discourse entirely.

(the server move stuff does leave a lot to be desired, though. You keep your follow list but not much else)

While I have it handy, here is Oliphant’s tier 0 blocklist. Good starting point, relies on a voting system from several larger servers. blocklists/_unified_tier0_blocklist.csv at main - blocklists - Codeberg.org


Yep! That is the good thing about the fediverse You are free to move between servers, which is good. Still, on a fediverse server you don’t necessarily know what you are missing, since you aren’t seeing it. Which is what I dislike about all centralized feeds I don’t create myself. Also most users are never going to go to the effort of switching servers, so I do think it is a problem. Also with mammoth specifically the thing that I find worrying is a bunch of people with no idea of how to do moderation (or the international requirements around speech regulation) spinning up servers…

Hence my love of RSS for this…sadly there’s no way to make money off of it so it won’t happen


Friendica, and pretty sure Mastodon too, provides RSS feeds as part of the package.


I was wondering if that is the case since I haven’t fooled around with it much! Good to know! One of the nice things with open source oftware, they don’t care if RSS can’t be monetized!


The thing that scares me the most is that he is far far smarter than Trump.

Years ago, before his evolution into his current persona, I used to enjoy seeing clips of his interactions during question period. He always seemed to be a few steps ahead of the person he was questioning.

Unfortunately he has discovered that the Trump model of divisive conservatism is effective and he is doing his best to bring it to Canada. If he was an MTG type we could probably ignore him, but he is smart (or at least a quick thinker, and skilled manipulator) and dangerously effective.

But on the article if Elon thinks CBC is biased moreso than postmedia… Uhm yeah no.


Oh yes. I did not mean to imply he isn’t dangerous. He absolutely is. Especially with Trudeau nearing the end of his time, and thus being unpopular (as all Prime Ministers of his tenure are).