Originally published at: Chase Hiller threads the needle with a longboard on a sketchy Colombian mountain road | Boing Boing
The dog moment !
Unbelievable skill and courage but JFC… I’m old.
The number of times this run could have resulted in a fall or collision is astounding. Hats off to Chase Hiller for this display of skill.
Don’t forget there’s someone following him on a board as well WHILE filming this insanity.
Not nearly as hardcore but happy memories of the SF ur-flashmob Friday Night Skate back in the 1990s before acquiring two titanium hips. Too Old For That Sh*t now!
They were riding a motor scooter you can see the shadow late in the video.
Well, that was dizzying.
Have to admit, though, that I forwarded after the first five minutes.
Was getting a bit samey, just wanted him to reach the coast.
Which, spoiler, he didn’t.
Still, talented little bugger, isn’t he?
I’m sure those oncoming vehicle drivers shit themselves, not exactly courteous towards other road users.
I couldn’t watch the whole thing (just too long) but I noticed a few cuts/edits, I’m wondering if he had to switch boards a few times with all the damage he was doing to the wheels. I’m also curious what kinds of speeds he hit (those motorcyclists he passed must have freaked out.)
To me, more like a display of extreme stupidity and irresponsibility, as if there was never a chance of causing an oncoming vehicle to veer away and crash.
That made it all feel very NES Paperboy. Also, if that’s his given name, that really is some nominative determinism…
The mere thought of me doing this has shaved years off of my twilight.
I think at least two of those was the camera needing to be cleaned off after crossing those muddy/stony parts which were partly washed-out tarmac.
My thoughts exactly. Just the sheer amount of blind turns where he cut over into the oncoming lane had me really shaking my head. Amazing skill on the board, sure, but also clearly someone with zero regard for the safety of people around them. If you want to kill yourself doing what you love that’s your prerogative, but don’t take others with you.
I know, right. How about Chuck Boarder II?
That sounds like an early 2000s videogame about chucking skate-/snowboarders down giant ramps/mountains. The sequel, of course, where the crashes are even more graphically harrowing.
I’m OK with idiots risking their own lives but that stunt could have easily resulted in one of one of the oncoming drivers and passengers being serious inured or killed trying to avoid him. The thought of that happening because some asshole wanted a thrill or be internet famous is kind of sickening to me.
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