Check out the opening sequence of Blade Runner: Black Lotus, a new anime series

Originally published at: Check out the opening sequence of Blade Runner: Black Lotus, a new anime series | Boing Boing


Not that revisiting a common plot device isn’t a …common plot device, but this sure sounds like a copy/paste from the Battle Angel Alita series [shrug] (“well you gotta have your memory ‘wiped’ in order to bring the audience along to discover your tragic backstory …don’tcha? it’s that or [ripply lines] flashbacks”)


Visually it looks like Tifa in a noir action drama - I’m down with that.


The general scenes look fantastic but the characters not so much. More like a video game than an interesting series.


Is this Blade Runner or another RWBY-style Ghost in the Shell series? The scenery is spot-on, but I’m not digging the character models.


Eeehhhh not really feeling it. I love the original movie, but this lacks the grime of the original… and the character models… well… replicants look more human.

Maybe the story will make up for it.

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The recent GiTS:SAC 2045 series did have a very different tone from the original two SAC seasons, but I still enjoyed the noir action even if it wasn’t so philosophical as the original seasons.

The CG art was a bit jarring at first, but I have to say I really like Ilya Kushinov’s character designs, esp. for Maj. Kusanagi.

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Eeh, agree with theophrastus and Alvin_Goodman, ambience and landscape are fine, but character design looks like something left over from 20 years ago, it’s jarring and offputting. Also, I hope they got a decent writer for the story, and after seeing yet another MC with memory loss and such I am starting to doubt that.
Ah well maybe it’s just nostalgia, I remember watching Blade Runner in 1982 and being entranced by it, so I’d like to see something at that level. The GITS animated series managed that very well, so maybe there’s hope.


Reminds me of the Bourne Identity. Memory wipes were also hinted at in Bladerunner 2049.




Not another reverse harem on Adult Swim! And Crunchyroll! That’s all about the talking spinners and living swords (Grossporina, the AMAB sword, etc.) Was the Silent Moebius series just called that? Yep.
op art circle GIF by Kilavaish

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Like voice dubbing in foreign films, the voices just seem pasted on, which of course they are. Sort of uncanny valley for audio.

Give me a show where the memory wipe reveal is: I shouldn’t have huffed so much acetone and puron.


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