Originally published at: Check out this ridiculous and fantastic Honda Civic powered by a tandem bicycle | Boing Boing
The jump cut editing really put me off. Neat idea, but could not watch.
That the guy in front is giving the guy behind him Covid? Is that the kind of infectious fun you mean?
Yabba dabba doo!
Still, it seems to me it’s a little showy. I would think it would make more sense to have the passengers’ pedals inside the car (akin to replacing the passenger seats with recumbent bikes), but then no one would know how cool you are.
I mean if it’s raining, I guess it’s just too bad for the pedalists.
I can just about guarantee that every decision that went into the design of this was “what would be easiest?”, which is a delightful type of video to watch when things work out.
Aside from nearly blinding two of the team during welding, good on them. It would be fun to see what people who knew what they were doing could pull off.
If you look up “pedal powered car,” there is some crazy stuff out there.
I don’t know how frog/toad bikes work, but the orientation of the cranks relative to the sprockets is weird, and the chain doesn’t even go to the rear wheel.
Having the cranks clocked to the same point would make for a messy bike ride.
Maybe we can assume that there’s an internal shaft drive, and that’s why the chain stops at the rear rider?
Although their shop safety standards made me actually wince a few times, more power to them and their crazy ideas and enthusiasm!
Bikes drawn from memory
I had the time of my life watching those idiots. I can’t imagine how much fun they had. The passers by, the cop, the Karen… as many good characters as a decent script.
It’s pedant-powered.
Toad the wet sprocket.
Good on them for getting their happy mutant on; I wonder if a lighter car (like a Del Sol or Fiero) would have been easier to move with pedal power.
Obviously the toads ride a shaft-drive tandem bike. The chain only serves to keep the pedaling in synch.
I guess it was good that wherever they live is flat.
That kind of seems like the point; there’s no practical reason for this vehicle to exist.
In good and *bad ways, these guys remind me so much of mechs and techs I’ve worked with.
*questionable safety