Chefs create new recipes for vintage food toys

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That might make for an interesting challenge for a cooking competition show, requiring the chefs during a particular challenge to incorporate something created using one of those food toys into their dish. You could even ask them to theme their dish to the decade in which the toy was most popular.

Give the chefs a little extra time before the competition starts (untimed, but recorded for potential use as B-roll) to (re)familiarize themselves with the toy (and express their nostalgia) when they’re not on the clock.


I was sorely disappointed to learn that the Easy Bake Battle cooking competition show does not require contestants to use an actual Easy Bake oven. It’s just another multi-round cooking competition with some light gimmicks and some Easy Bake-themed set dressing.

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TIL that show exists.

If they didn’t want to make the chefs actually use an Easy Bake oven they could have scaled it up. A simple metal box with one of the long sides cut out and a heavy duty heat lamp hanging from the top of the box would be a close enough approximation to the toy writ large, and knowing how to manage the heat (by moving the cooking vessel around) to ensure the dishes were cooked consistently throughout would be a key skill. It would be like baking with a broiler, almost.

Can’t wait to see the Play-Doh versions!

Contributed by Bob Knetzger

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