Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot out as election goes to runoff between other candidates

Originally published at: Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot out as election goes to runoff between other candidates | Boing Boing


For anyone here in Chicago, the story isn’t her failure to be reelected - you accurately noticed that she was pretty much universally disliked - but the absolutely abysmal voting numbers.

Chicago has 2.9 people. The winning two candidates got under 300k votes combined. That’s just embarrassing.


Wow that’s very low turn out. I’m not in Illinois but I assume this is because it’s an off year election (not presidential)? Why on earth do they hold this election at such a weird time? Is it purposefully to get a low turnout or something else I don’t know about Illinois?

Honestly, it’s not any sort of surprise for me – whenever I was reading up on candidates, or looking at a race-wide commentary or debate, I always was seeing something akin to “Mayor Lightfoot declined to participate.” She seemed to put next to no effort into her re-election, at least from my perspective as a voter.

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From outside the city, I’d say it isn’t surprising that the Chicago Teacher’s Union fielded a candidate that won over Lightfoot, though they seemed to barely use terrestrial television advertising. Brandon Johnson’s own ads played early on, when Lightfoot’s did but were more numerous. By the end, I think he was mentioned in one of Vallas’ ads.

The terrestrial TV ads in the final weeks were just a rush of promises to hire the most police officers. It wasn’t just Vallas, who didn’t get many votes in 2019. None of them mentioned the new police district councils people had to vote on.

Yet, early voting was higher than normal.

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