Originally published at: Chicago school official busted for embezzling $1.5 million in chicken wings | Boing Boing
Talk about getting your beak wet.
As for the discovery; I’ve not had the simple joy of being a cost center manager; but is it even remotely normal to be able to go $300k over your annual budget in under half a year without triggering some sort of procedural hurdle not involving manual checks?
I assume that school departments have different looking income streams than a lot of private sector outfits do; but I’m a bit surprised that the money was even in a usable location that far in advance.
Goddamn it; she’s Black.
That shouldn’t matter, but it does, and this timeline is so fucking stupid and cliched.
Fox & fuckers are gonna have a veritable field day with this story for the next millennium.
Presumably sold them out of the back of the district cargo van.
“hey I got this box of frozen chicken wings that fell off a truck. I can cut you a sweet deal.”
I run a program that has an annual budget of about $20MM USD/year, so I wouldn’t start to get looked at until I was 10% over (this is what my organization’s budget tolerances are), so $300K is far below what would trigger questions being asked.
“hot” wings
It’s so bad that this matters at all.
It’s Chicago. A friend’s bar added chicken wings to the menu. It’s not rocket surgery.
Look at it this way: it hurts, but if it hadn’t happened, they would have made it up.
It’s not Chicago, it’s a suburb south of Chicago. Undoubtedly she sold the product on for a nice profit-as my zaidie used to say “what you get for free you can afford to sell a little cheaper.” I’m impressed she could pick up that many wings from a GFS store-I would have gone with restaurant depot, myself.
“Tasted like something you’d get from a school cafeteria”
Now we find out if “ain’t no thing but a chicken wing!” constitutes an effective legal defense.
i do love me some wings…
If you’re going to steal $1.5 million, do it from a company that can afford the loss. Don’t do it from a damn school system. You know they’re not going to be able to easily just get more money from the city, so it’s going to be the children or the teachers who suffer, or both.
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