Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/03/10/chicken-has-amazing-ability-to-keep-its-head-frozen-in-place-while-its-body-is-moves-around.html
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First example shown is most dramatic. I’ve seen other videos that are even more impressive. Hunting adaptation I assume.
Chickens can’t focus (supposedly, or maybe it’s slower) so they move their heads to keep things in focus. Watching birds like kestrels do it in real life is awesome, it’s like there’s a pole from the ground to their head,
Cheetahs are pretty good at it too. I always love watching the contrast in a running cheetah: legs swinging back and forth, tail whooshing about to stabilize, and those eyes steady and locked on the objective.
(edit: flow)
I thought exactly the same things and was going to post this, Redirecting...
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