Chips flavored like horse meat, poison blowfish, and maggot cheese

Originally published at: Chips flavored like horse meat, poison blowfish, and maggot cheese | Boing Boing


yum?. At least there isn’t dog or cat flavor. Is the horse one actually illegal in California?

If you were convicted of eating them three times in California, the three strikes law would come into effect and you would go to prison for life?


I had never seen so many different flavors of potato chips until I moved to Belgium. I also had never seen so many places to get horse meat. I’ll bet the horse-flavored chips would find an audience there.

Also, having eaten horse a few times, the flavor description doesn’t make much sense to me.


NGL, I´d try them.
I do reallly have a morbid curiosity concerning Casu Marzu. I like strong cheese, but this is a level beyond strong.


They’ve recreated the flavors, but they don’t contain any of the actual ingredients.

I ordered some myself, I’ll probably never eat any of these actual foods, but I’m too curious to avoid trying the flavor!

Semi-related, MSCHF dropped their latest gimmick this week:


Might as well say they are flavored like komodo dragon or moon dust or North Korean people then.


I went to a wedding on Sardinia about 20 years back and – like people snorting coke in the back of a party – we were told we could sneak into the back and try some. The bride – who was Sardinian – didn’t want that nasty stuff at her wedding, but a tradition is tradition and a compromise was struck. I took a pass.

At that same wedding I hate a whole bunch of horse-meat prosciutto before I knew it was horse-meat. I mean, it was delicious, but my American sensibilities just can’t let me eat horse.


I would maybe try casu marzu.
if I can get it past my nose, I’ll eat it. worked for natto, did not get durian past the nose.
the fugu just sounds like a salt-n-vinegar crisp with a hint of fish sauce, so palatable, IMO. horse meat crisps? I mean, I have had Ikea meatballs…


This kind of subversive art is squarely in my wheelhouse. I also like Obvious Plant, which has probably been covered here before…


Just when you thought is was safe to go back into the snack aisle.


Yeah I’m wondering about that one. Having eaten a lot of non-toxic puffer fish over the years, it’s not a super distinct flavor to begin with. Quite a lot like frogs legs. I’m not quite sure how you would make a chip that tastes like it. But fish sauce and vinegar ain’t it.


I like cheese. Are they still doing cheese flavor?

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Artificial vanilla is made from wood pulp, but it still tastes a lot more like vanilla than it does like raspberries. The question would be how close they bothered to get. I’m betting not super close, but that at least the cheese one might be unpleasant in much the same way as the real thing.


I was thinking of the citrusy tang of the ponzu with the salty soy and the umami coming from the fish sauce. not a perfect match, just what came to mind.
also: I like frog legs.

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I couldn’t get durian in the door. The ride on the subway was bad enough with everyone clearly wondering wtf was happening, but I couldn’t manage to even cut into it.


I have had horse before in Italy, so maybe I can verify. :man_shrugging:

I’ll disbelieve till they’re offered at USA McFood outlets.

As someone who’s eaten the real versions of all three of those foods, I can tell you that:

a) horse meat just tastes like very bland beef

b) blowfish is also very bland, though somewhat pleasantly chewy. The draw is the numbing tingles the toxin imparts, not the flavor.

c) maggot cheese is par for course as dar far funky raw milk aged cheeses go, and the maggots aren’t eaten but scraped off.

So in chip form, these would taste like:

a) beef bouillon cubes

b) seafood ramen flavor packets

c) cheezits?

Good marketing though!


Horse meat chips are nothing new.


Mmmm. Pleasant memories of a pre-pandemic trip to Japan where we went to one restaurant for gyoza and horse meat sashimi and copious amounts of beer. We’ll be back.