I’m sure he was holding back.
(extra ? because of dumb disqus and its dumb 9 characters rule)
Lizard folk be patient folk
Did you watch the video? Or are you making a clever comment about how Matthews denies reality?
If the latter, then well played.
Matthews usually licks Trump from the other end.
You may all think this is funny, but it’s snot.
I’m serious. Did I miss something? He did lick his lips once, but the stuff on his lip was still there. Maybe he did get a bit of it? Then it cuts to a graphic, comes back and its gone.
He totally licked the drip.
And still, so many people have no qualms about letting their butt-licking dogs lick them on the mouth.
Kiddo is doing the experiment where we swab different things and grow it in petri dishes. So far, the dogs mouth is the cleanest. Keyboards are fucking filthy.
You do have to be careful taking too much away from those kind of experiments. Petri dishes with agar growth media are great for bacteria, OK for fungus, but useless for viruses or parasites.
(Foley sound added)
Well it’s just tracking bacterial growth. Still, bacteria is the most common bug out there. I am not worried about fungi or viruses from the dog, at least.
And of course we are growing bacteria, but some of it is probably good or neutral bacteria.
There is usually fungi in the mix, too. If you notice colonies that are black, that’s usually mold.
Well maybe I will post the final pics. Thus far everything is white. The keyboard one has a few big white spots with brown centers. Probably not caramel.
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