Chuck Schumer compares mailbomb to Republican office window broken by thieves

You’re assuming he’s stupid. He’s actually quite smart - he realized normal Americans on both sides find violence distasteful and rightfully worries that it will hurt the Republicans in the mid terms.

So he engages in a little whataboutism to turn it around. Both sides are violent, so really, when this wackadoo gets drug out of some shack in Montana they have set the narrative that both sides are guilty.


It’s called “trickle-down”.

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Chuckie, you have spent your entire career giving in to the Republicans, preemptively surrendering, and losing elections. Please STFU.


I think Chuck was trying to put pressure on Republican colleagues. He’s saying, “this isn’t a partisan issue, its a simple, straight-forward, moral issue.” He is trying to show how wrong their silence is.

But do liberals back up our own politicians? Heck no. Every liberal website will be full of snotty comments, tearing down our own. This is why Republicans win - they all walk in lock step, and their media and their voters are always ALWAYS on their side. Republicans can lock children in cages and say that it’s worth excusing murder to protect an arms deal, and even the holy rollers get in line.

Not liberals. When centrist Democrats try to win us a seat in a red state, we slam them for being insufficiently leftist. When our presidential candidate walks a line to avoid alienating corporate America and gutting campaign funding, we hit harder than the opposition. We need to cut this out. Save it for the primaries.

He’s saying: If a Democrat can denounce a home break in, surely Republicans can denounce pipe bombs.

Yeeeah… he’s a Democrat, though. That’s exactly what makes it dumb.


I am guessing he doesn’t want to mention the baseball practice shooting because of optics. Most people have forgotten about that shooting(judging from the comments here). He wants to say something that calls for civility, brings the Republicans to heel, and doesn’t remind people that the Democrats had their own nutjob terrorist a few months ago.

At first, I thought this was stupid too. However, it isn’t the dumbest thing.
It seems weak, but it circumvents having to talk about the baseball practice shooting. It still looks KINDA like an olive branch. Only the most asshol-ish Republicans are going to talk about the baseball shooting(Hannity, Tucker, Trump) right now. So, hopefully, this placates his Republican colleagues who want to bring up that “bad things happen on both sides”, without having to mention that travesty.

ah that changes the narrative considerably. now it’s the weird urge to “come to the middle”, this pathology should be treated

The problem is that conservatives say things like that in order to create a false equivalency. Schumer, enmeshed as he’s been in Beltway establishment collegiality for decades, hasn’t internalised the fact that the modern GOP isn’t fundamentally interested in a good-faith discussion. He’ll criticise Republican politicians on specific facts and policies but he’s still expecting them to behave honourably in debate and discourse long after they’ve proven themselves liars and cheats.

[not that I’m much better than him here, responding to you after you outed yourself as a trolley]



If that’s what he meant to say, he needs to look for his next job outside of a communications-based field. It doesn’t seem like anyone’s picking up what he’s laying down there…


The problem is that conservatives say things like that in order to create a false equivalency.

It isn’t false equivalency though. A Democratic supporter shot up a bunch of members of Congress. In terms of acts of violence, it is pretty much on par with sending out bombs. It also didn’t happen that long ago.
Are you honestly suggesting that the shooting was a drastically different act than the bombing?

If anything, the bombing is less violent because the bomber seems to have been less concerned with murdering people(per reports) and more interested in a campaign of fear.

In terms of frequency it is. Since the 1980s we’ve seen a lot more violence from right-wingers than we have from the left.

Remind us again about all those progressives over the past 35 years who blew up federal buildings, who staged armed occupations of federal lands, who started political brawls on city streets, who ran over counter-protestors at their rallies, who stood on stages and encouraged their followers to engage in political violence, who shot unarmed PoCs, who beat up LGBTQ people, who constantly prioritised supposed Second Amendment rights over dead young people with every school shooting, etc., etc.


That particular quote didn’t come from me, and since you’ve exposed yourself as a fail troll I have zero interest in anything you may have to say.

Good day.


There really is no acting in good faith when it comes to anything to do with politics anymore. That ship has sailed and sunk.


That seems a bit pedantic. This bomber mailed 8 packages(it could be 1 person who mailed them all at the same time).
The baseball shooter shot at 24 people, hitting 6 and killing 1 and firing 70 shots.

I would still count all of these bombs as a single event. Particularly since it seems likely that they were all from 1 person. I get that the delivery of the attack is a bit apples to oranges, but they were both horrible acts of violence.
I absolutely don’t think that the congressional shooting pales in comparison to this bombing attack. They are both grotesque partisan attacks.

As far as violence since the 1980s, I would tend to agree. However, the closest parallels are the Congressional shooting and the attack on Gabby Gifford. Gabriel Gifford was attacked by a person without political affiliation. So, in recent memory, this seems to be perpetrated by both sides.

And that seems a bit disingenuous. Which is no more surprising than your whataboutism and false equivalencies. Like @Melz2 I’m done engaging with you.

Save your (admitted) contrarian trolling for the creationist sites. We’re not buying here.


I never expect more than a knife in the back from any politician, but I’m glad you’ll be joining me in voting for the fuck-ups. It’s the only chance we have, no matter how remote.


Thanks for sharing that link; it’s been book marked and added to my archives.


Back-pedalling now won’t make the slightest bit of difference.