CIA recruited a hooker to kill Scalia: National Enquirer

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They are almost correct. ACORN recruited the hooker.


so there WAS at least a hooker, right? that’s how i’m seeing this.


So now we know why Trump is so determined to build that wall - to keep out the killer hookers. Sorry, buddy. Day late and a dollar short.


I don’t get the conspiracy theories about Scalia’s death. I mean, if he’d been physically active, free of serious illness, and 40 years old, sure, get out the tinfoil - but he was 80. There is no mystery in the sudden death of an 80 year old man of sedentary habits.

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The problem this is really exposing. The majority are no longing giving a shite about celebrities, oh noes, they wont be able to sell all sorts of consumer crap any more. So basically the tabloids are out to drum up publicity for the empty headed narcissists any way they can. This includes in the most viscous and shallow manner possible, to attack non-money makers those who no longer sell products, this to drive celebrity interest generally.
The infamous pseudo celebrity, just entertain us, as for the rest of your B$, simply keep it to yourselves, most of us just do no care any more.

I really think this would be more Clarence Thomas’ style.

Well, there’s 90 seconds I’ll never get back.

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That’s what the hooker said!


My MIL was telling me how suspicious this all was a couple of days ago. He had a pillow over his head and they didn’t call for an autopsy! The son changed his plans last minute, leaving Scalia alone! Clearly some kind of liberal plot. Why would a killer leave the pillow over his head though, rather than making it look like a natural death (which wouldn’t have been surprising with an older man in poor health)? Why rely on the family not demanding an autopsy? There would have to be so many insiders who were secretly liberal, and Scalia’s son would have to be one of them.

he was hit by a gay bomb and turned liberal?


Plus, of all the places to insert a liberal agenda black-ops squad; “Private estate in Texas during event held by some kind of weird hunting enthusiast society” seems like a choice of last resort.

It’s just not safe to hunt in Cheney’s territory.

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That whole gay bomb idea sounds more like it would strengthen morale and fighting spirit - if anything, I’d advise dropping it on your own troops.


I suspect that, in absence of the relevant acculturation and social mores, the short-term effects of a hypothetical gay bomb deployment might be less conducive to morale and unit cohesion(especially if the agent’s duration can be calibrated to achieve the “I just slept with who?” effect for which alcohol has a certain amount of notoriety).

Pillownium 210 is the favourite weapon for Putin’s hit-men.


Does it matter anymore?

What about Trump and Cruz being aliens…or perhaps even being alien progeny themselves?

And my question re Robert Wagner was answered in this post - good!

I’m not looking forward to age 72 now…

They wanted him to go out with a bang?

Exactly. “Life long smoker who was 100 pounds overweight who spent a lifetime on his fat ass drops dead at 80”
Wow, what a shock.


Even that is not a guarantee. A few professional footballers die from heart attacks on the pitch every year.

Fabrice Muamba was comparatively lucky.

In March 2012, Muamba suffered a cardiac arrest during a televised FA Cup match between Bolton and Tottenham Hotspur, from which he recovered despite his heart having stopped for 78 minutes. Following medical advice, he announced his retirement from professional football in August 2012.

Also look at this.