Originally published at: Claims that a man in New Zealand received 10 Covid shots in one day investigated | Boing Boing
I get the strange sense that vaccines weren’t the only substance that this gentleman was injecting.
Those tracking chips are going to really confuse the system when these ten people all look like they’re traveling everywhere in a pack.
Does Bill Gates know of this savage tragedy?
It must be one of those “group stalking” things that people talk about.
Welp - if nothing happens to this guy except hella sore arms and maybe some mild flu like symptoms for a couple days, then I think it makes a good anecdote to show the vaccines safety.
Although New Zealand, which doesn’t require ID to get a Covid shot, is nearly 90% vaccinated
That’s pretty amazing. Not that long ago they had a very low rate.
Even Brazil, which was really lagging previously, has surpassed the U.S. in full vaccinations.
Which will be the biggest irony. He took it because others didn’t want to while showing that they have no reason to fear getting it in tbe first place.
He will when he checks the microchip GPS and have of the NZ beacons are coming from the same spot.
Unless that 90% is an average vaccination rate.
I mean it could be that 9% of the population were vaccinated 10 times each.
But seriously, I envy other (nonUS) countries’ vaccination rates (and public health systems, public transportation, etc)
90% of the eligible population (12 years old and older), which is apparently
73.8% of the entire population.
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