Climate change denying senator throws snowball on Senate floor

Born in 1934… good chance he’s got a few years left, but the odds of nature taking it’s course increase quite dramatically at his point in life.

Gravity is only a theory:

It is irrefutable evidence of their continued failure to terraform earth for their endothermic reptilian overlords.


yeah, what is the sum of n / ∞

It was only a rhetorical snowball.

Yeah, down here in the Willamette valley the plums are blooming three weeks early. I just hope we don’t get another hard freeze in April that kills everything.

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I think he needs a new name

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He’s 81. It’s not long now before we’ll be blessed with that eventuality.


How about this: Make all the senators and representatives wear shock collars, and prime it up so that whenever they say “I’m not a scientist/doctor/historian/woman/black man/whatever expert” they get a zotz if they don’t immediately continue to say “so I withhold any opinion and defer to the experts until such a time that I have read enough literature to relay the consensus.”


No. There’s a legal definition of what Inholf does for a living, and it involves expressing the will of the people who voted for him.

Being a corrupt goon for monied interests is in fact an extracurricular activity.


He looks a bit like a tortoise, and some of them live well over a hundred years. Perhaps in a hundred years time he’ll be perched on a rock in the middle of a dust bowl saying “I remember when it was all green around here till God wanted to share his views on gay marriage and Muslim presidents.”


Call me crazy, but it sure seems like those monied interests affect his day job and the will he inflicts on the people who voted for him.

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Not if the singularity hits first…

Nerd Rapture?

Guy already lived through one singularity (semiconductors/transistors/integrated chips.)

So you’re saying he’s corrupt? That doesn’t have a bearing on the legal definition of his job.

Yes, he’s one of the most corrupt Senators on the job, and unfortunately, being beholden to corporate interests impairs his ability to fulfill the legal definition of his job.

So maybe we should spark up a campaign in his district outlining the fact that he’s not representing the people who voted for him, but instead it’s the other way around.

I mean, people really hate feeling like they’ve been manipulated. Especially when it’s against their best interest…

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