Clinton apologizes after calling Trump's bigoted supporters "deplorable"

Hillary Clinton is a great candidate and an awesome candidate and she will totally destroy Donald Trump in November and if somehow he wins instead then we will grit our teeth and never speak of this again.

see also:   mike dukakis
see also:   john kerry


I’ll blame American voters, since they’re the ones who decide the outcome of elections.

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Sure about that?


What’s deplorable is in this day and age you can take a sound bite out-of-context and burn someone at the stake with it.


I prefer “wriggling bag of dicks”

Thank you for echoing my general sentiment.

For a minute there:

ETA - It’s a shame you only have three likes, and it just illustrates that really people are people, and we all have biases towards each other.

OK, half of Trump’s supporters are not deplorable.

Did David Duke choose his peanut butter or brand of car because those products made statements attacking minorities?

Trump may not have actively sought Duke’s endorsement but your analogy ignores Duke’s reasons for endorsing Trump. And even if Trump doesn’t agree with Duke’s positions on white supremacy Trump has still demonstrated a dislike of certain minorities. Consider, after all, the person he picked as his running mate.


No, it’s about actual racism and bigotry. It’s not even concealed. Trump is the alt-right (aka white supremacist) candidate. It’s not even a question anymore.


Yep. We’re really the real racists for pointing out all the real racism.


To be fair, didn’t polls before the two elections you mention show both Dukakis and Kerry trailing the whole time? Polls have Clinton ahead or neck in neck in places that a democrat hasn’t won in years, yeah?

And neither Bush were such nasty populists with racist overtones.


Or maybe it’s because some of us felt @nemomen’s post immediately following showed that it’s exactly what Clinton did in her speech.


How will the Bernie supporters react if HRC steps down and Kaine slides right in?

I don’t care if someone is conservative. I may disagree, but I have plenty of conservative friends and family members and this is not the problem. You tend to be more to the right than me, and I don’t care, other than to argue with you sometimes (but in good faith, ya know - it’s fine that we disagree, we’re both happy mutants). Conservatives who I disagree with are not the problem here. Racists that Trump is appealing to are the problem here.

I do not feel bad about not giving racists the benefit of the doubt, though. If you or anyone else thinks that makes me unfair, than so be it. We all have our lines and this happens to be one of mine.


Which now only has 3 likes as well. But I imagine the steam on this thread is running out.


Probably true. It’s hard to read every word of every post when it gets past the 200 mark.


Hmm, good point. I think “we don’t hate him [I]yet[/I]” is more accurate.

Still, if that were the case, I wouldn’t hate him at all, unless there is real evidence that he orchestrated the whole thing. He would just be an accidental presidential candidate, like Benjamin Gratz Brown in 1872.

Seeing that Hillary Clinton is the nominee, and she’s spent the past two and a half decades in bed with the same establishment that provoked the 2008 financial and housing crash, fomented the Iraq war, and basically caused the whole mess that we’re trying to dig ourselves out of, I don’t think there’s a much worse choice for Democratic nominee than her. That being said, after a lot of hemming and hawing, I totally prefer her over Trump.


It got 21 likes when @dotpaul posted it the first time, though.

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  1. We are all a little racist, even if it is subconscious. Or at least possess racial biases. Even those of us who consciously fight it. What are we fighting? It shouldn’t be there but it is.

  2. Replace racists with what ever, and you sound just like them.

Racism has many forms. They aren’t all white supremacist types. They see the hundreds of videos of crime and violence of the world and they allow it to warp their view. It is classic cognitive dissonance and it gets worse as they continue to filter out the good and let in the bad. Certainly when it comes to Islam there are so many active negative examples it is hard to not give them some weight, and one is less likely to know a Muslim in the US vs a racial minority.

But just like you have no remorse that people who think that way are bad and that is your line, they have a similar thought process. These people are bad, they do bad things, they think bad things, and they see no reason to ever give them the benefit of the doubt.

They too need to stand back and see that their views are warped, but real headway won’t be made with out them interacting with people who they hold their biases against. Sure, this won’t usually cure someone, but they at least gain some empathy and insight when they at least know a real person of the disliked group. And that is a start.

FWIW I don’t think this makes you a bad person, just a person and I am not any better but I am working on it, which is all anyone can do.

Which is quite different from “mexicans are rapists and murders” and “muslims are terrorists”. We’re not talking about the structure of racism in our society that gives whites a sense and actual privilege or our own foibles that often manifests in ways such as racism.


No one said they are. But many of his followers don’t believe it matters if he actively appeals to white supremacists. I do.

Again, if you think “I’m just like them” when “them” is David Duke, the KKK, and the denizens of storm front, well, I guess you don’t know me very well or don’t think very highly of me. So, thanks for that, I guess.

I guess I’m done with this discussion, since you’re not actually listening to what I’m saying here.