Originally published at: Clockwork Elves, an animated short | Boing Boing
wowzers! That was beautiful
apparent moral of the story: don’t do drugs. they were having a beautiful day in the forest before that.
Yeah, pretty accurate summary of “humanity.”
What a beautiful accomplishment!
(that apple of knowledge is a bitch in’t it?)
Moral of the story: Don’t eat random things offered to you by skeevy looking beings you don’t know. Or sometimes, even if you do know them.
He drank the soup.
Neo chose the red pill.
Alice drinks the potion.
There is no going back
That was “Worker and Parasite”
Although I did have a nice trip from the acid offered to me by a shirtless, man-bun-wearing dude at the last music festival I attended.
Well that escalated quickly.
This is what came to my mind upon watching this.
That’s a gamble… you had me spooked at ‘man-bun’
Wow, that was amazing. Picking up traces of a contemporary Vince Collins-esque vibe.
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