Simulation of a bad DMT trip

Originally published at: Simulation of a bad DMT trip | Boing Boing

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This happens when I have pizza :pizza: taco :taco: or whiskey :tumbler_glass: deficiency in my life. I shudder to think if all 3 hit at once.


The Motley Fool really has gotten scary.


So the frame-rate in your simulation instance drops and you glitch to the Tokamak reaction chamber with a clown… makes sense.

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So basically what I see for a moment when I lounge on the couch all day and then stand up too quickly after rubbing my eyes. Plus clowns. I. Hate. Clowns.


I haven’t taken DMT, but I did get a lot of comments on this video I made about it being like a bad drug trip of one kind or another:


Well don’t watch the video of Clowny Clown Clown by Crispin Glover. I made the mistake of showing it to my partner. She thought I’d said, “Clammy Clam Clam”. I’ve now learned: my partner loves clams, hates clowns, and the sofa downstairs is fairly comfortable.


I’ve been reading about DMT, and the appearance of jesters and evil beings and tricksters and other entities - some very common experiences when this is taken.

My question is, are these important? Is this drug revealing something that exists in the Universe that we don’t normally see? Or, is this the result of just cross-wiring the brain in some sense, kind of circuit bending the mind?

For instance, if you open up a radio and touch a wire from one point of the circuit board to another, you might get a chirping sound. But, it’s not like the designer of the radio did this on purpose - it just happens to be that when you connect one part of the circuit to another part that it’s not supposed to be connected to it makes this particular noise - nothing more, nothing less.

So, are the drugs revealing some hidden secret, or just fucking things up in the brain in a very specific way the produces similar results?


That video is super neat. It definitely reminds me of some prior psychedelic experiences.


That last one.


The marriage of the music/sound/repetition in your video, the evolution of images strikes me as having an authentic sense of a ‘trip’. Good or bad.

What happens in my head and perhaps everyone’s can only be glimpsed at.


That wallpaper was pretty scary.

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Your video is way better


More please!


Given that people from disparate cultures across the globe describe eerily similar experiences with, among other things, “elves” (smoked) and snakes (ayahuasca), I think it’s tapping something communal. Many of these descriptions predate the widespread availability of info on DMT effects, making foreknowledge of effects unlikely.

I’m not sure either of the choices you list work for me. We know far too little about consciousness and the brain to draw concrete conclusions on this. What’s secret to a Westernized materialist may be common knowledge to those in cultures who have not lost contact with these experiences and do not rely on science they don’t understand anyway to minimize things that might disturb their model of the world. Science is always learning and redefining what’s “real,” and resistance to new info is a barrier for many, if not most minds.
My model these days says that DMT enables us to access normally dormant portions of the brain and perceive things that may or may not be there all along if one were able to maintain that state of consciousness. Models should always update with new info, though.

As to importance, I’d say that depends on what use one can make of the experience.

“This wallpaper and I are fighting a duel to the death. Either it goes or I do .”

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need a better soundtrack


Dr. Who vs. the DC Universe

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