Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/02/clueless-georgia-governor-had.html
Your empty comment does kinda cover the “speechless” vibe, so there’s that.
In a sea of Stupid, this somehow manages to stand out. Why is he Governor, and not, say, a doorstop? Or something similarly suited to his capabilities?
They could have had Stacey leading them through this…
Just have to say that the ASL guy in the back is amazing.
I wish I could understand him, but it’s proabaly something along the lines of “And this dumbshit is throwing the other dumbshit under the bus…”.
asymptomatic is a big word!! LOL
I was wondering what David Letterman was doing there.
Well it’s not like the Center for Disease Control is less than ten miles away from the Governor’s Mans…wait I’m getting a call.
The clip cuts off before Kemp breaks the news that President Kennedy has been shot.
I feel like my head can only explode so many times this year, and I reached that quota about a month and a half ago.
He’s not dumb, he’s just a liar.
They could have had Stacey Abrams…
But people laughed at “backwards Georgia” while the Secretary of State oversaw his own election, shut down polling stations and purged the voter rolls. And despite all of that, he barely eked through.
In any even semi-fair election, they would have had Stacey Abrams.
Yaaaay, GA! WE’RE NUMBER 5!
…in infection stats! Also our Dept of Public Health has literally been changing the scale on their map daily, so we look fiiiine. THIS IS FINE.
f%cking infuriating.
On the other hand I have to hand it to David Letterman for losing 20lbs and learning sign language.
Sorry. I made a silly joke and then I realised it was just stupid.
Two xkcd cartoons come to mind, they should be taken together for this application.
Of course he had no idea. He was constantly distracted by the Mocking Mime Wizard that follows him!
Seriously, just look at how vigorously the wizard waves his arms.
PD: Sure you will tell me it’s just a sign language interpreter, but I wont buy your Big Mime Wizard lies.
it’s one thing when it’s the idiot in your apartment complex
whole other level when it’s a governor
but of course trumpkins also believed this until maybe last week with desire for “churches packed at easter”
wonder what’s today’s “dear leader” press conference will feature, how many more ventilators we are going to get in three months when hundreds of thousands are dead because they never filled the stockpile?
of course he didn’t know - it’s so hard to hear when your head is so far up your ass