CNN host comically shuts down Robert F. Kenndy Jr.'s vaccine lie in just 3 seconds (video)

They were clearly prepared to shed some sunlight on this particular infection of the American political system.


Short: Not a coronavirus.



With a response like that, he’s proven himself to be a great candidate for a job at a Waffle House.

Edit: because of his frantic waffling. Haha.

The manager at my local IHOP wears a mask, so might have the good sense to not hire an idiot.


Beat me to it. Good show! :wink:



I wonder if, as a child, RFK Jr.'s parents did, as many parents did including mine, vaccinate him for childhood diseases. He was born in 1954. The standard of care at that time, and the convention most U.S. pediatricians followed, was a child vaccine regime like this:

@docosc If you would, you are qualified here, please factcheck me: in the late 1950s, it was smallpox, DTP, polio–right? and odds are, someone of Kennedy’s age would likely have received this as a child, yes?

If Kennedy had this common childhood treatment, then he would be making his specious arguments from a very privileged position, having benefited from the very thing(s) he says he opposes. Why would he want to put people at risk when he himself has benefited? Are any of his own children vaccinated? And/or his falcons and other raptors? Does he have any cats or dogs? Are they vaccinated? What are the dimensions of his hypocrisy, exactly?


CNN host comically shuts down Robert F. Kenndy Jr.’s vaccine lie in just 3 seconds (video)

The man’s surname is misspelled. It is missing an “e”.


Not sure why you feel the need to insult service workers, who often do a bang up job, and were some of the people who had to work when the pandemic started (and many probably masked up and did their best to keep themselves and others safe)?

Working at Waffle House can be very demanding work: they have long shifts, where they’re on their feet for many hours at a time… There is a lot to keep organized in your head (like if you’re cooking which meals you have on the stove at any one time or if you’re waiting, which order belongs where)… I doubt that someone like RFK, who grew up in wealth and privilege of one of the most prominent American political families could keep up…


The Poliomyelitis Vaccine Field Trial of 1954 Exhibit.

Pertussis: History of the Disease and Current Prevention Failure - PubMed.

The smallpox vaccine dates (in various forms) to the 1500’s or earlier.

So yes, assume he was vaccinated.

Snd, needless to say, all the “never tested” crap is crap.


No insult intended.

Just a riff on how he waffled so hard when caught in his lie.

Have a great day.

Slightly tangential, but does his voice always sound like he is suffering from a respiratory disease that might have been prevented by a vaccine?

Same reason BB still links to Xitter


[ETA: dammit @FGD135 ]


I appreicate you guys correcting me on my mistake about coronavirus being the same family as H1N1, but can you define “Coronapodes”/“Coronavopodes”? I literally get no hits on Google!

I enjoy learning more about this…COVID19 has been a great way for me to expand my knowledge of infectious diseases. My work has a doctor of it and he was giving weekly talks on the topic during the pandemic that were highly educational. Now this new word…I really want to know!

It’s a riff on octopi/octopodes, as the plural of octopus
(Both are arguably cromulent, but octopodes is obviously better)


Always with the octopedantry.


This is the first place I heard of Octopodes, and the pluralization “-odes”, and it’s absolutely hilarious. Probably nsfw, because swears.


e’rthing has a plural as 'podes.
you, me, he, she, they (as a group)… homopodes? humanopodes? sapienopodes?
help me out, @FGD135

not to be confused with collective nouns for groups of animals.


… the thing is “virus” is kind of a weird word, even in Latin, and doesn’t really have a plural

I mean it doesn’t really matter, “viruses” works fine in English, but that’s the joke :microbe:


(Hey, for once the p has a reason to be in there!)