Cockatoo solves puzzle box, no BBS discussion

You are remembering correctly, but he had an apparent change of heart after that conversation and comments have been enabled on all his post since then, at least all the ones i’ve tried to comment on, up until this one.

His not enabling comments on a post doesn’t change other people’s desires to discuss them in the usual place, the bbs, so people typically create their own thread, which makes the whole thing seem silly and not really forcing the conversation to twitter or wherever he wants to have them.

Also since many of the regulars use the bbs as their main view they miss his articles altogether, which totally defeats the purpose.


Well, let’s see if it happens on his next one…


Yeah, but we’re not even a rounding error in terms of pageviews.


well they seem to be on on his latest posts, so…who the heck knows. i guess mark knows. :slight_smile:


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