Cockatoo solves puzzle box, no BBS discussion

Yeah, I was joking. My jokes will get funnier after tomorrow. I hope.

I’m all for finding a revenue stream for BB. I do click on the Amazon links intentionally for this reason. The problem with banner ads is that they seem to pay in proportion to how irritating they are.


This entire situation is extremely confounding, this is not helped by @frauenfelder’s lack of presence. I would love to hear his reasoning or at least have him brain storm some alternative solutions with input rather than just make this decision without any communication directly with the community his change will affect. Damn shame.


VIP Memberships?


@M_M and @codinghorror, how about Patreon? As long as funders didn’t get access to a separate lounge, or unbalanced benefits. Maybe they could get extra emojis… or a special user card badge like the “Regular” one?

EDIT- Maybe hypothetical tiers could look something like this?

Monthly donations:
$2.00 - Access to donator emojis
$5.00 - “Donator” user card badge.
$10.00 - Access to livestream of @beschizza opening his safe.
$20.00 - Create your own user card badge (Must be approved by mods/admins)


Got no issues with Patreon or any other subscription method if they want to fund things that way. Not my house, not my rules when it comes down to it. :slight_smile:
A two-tier user system is normally the way things end up when funding’s needed, so might as well put it on the table as an option right from the start.


Do we know if his reasons are financial? Or something else?

I’m sure whatever his reasons a lot of long time happy mutants would be amenable to do whatever is required to address whatever the issue is. We spend so much of our time here because we value this community.


Doesn’t everyone? It isn’t like people use Facebook for anything real.

Ha ha ha ha ha

Oh, you were serious.

Why not link to some vaporizers or online video classes here on the BBS? That seems to be a thing.


Thank you. There has been no direct statement about financial issues at all. Couple that with Mark being the only member of BB staff who has decided to eschew the BBS, and it just seems like rampant speculation.


THIS. Really until we hear from Mark what the reasons are guessing is just that. I just hope it isn’t because of some comments we were not seeing from moderation removal.


Uh… No? Not everyone is on twitter, actually.


Should I have wrapped that in sarcasm tags?
I’m always surprised when people think twitter is a done force since it has literally hundreds of millions of users every month.


Maybe! :smiley:

That’s true. The “concern” over whether twitter is “done” seems to be about market growth (adding new users) and whether or not they are able to stay afloat financially as a company (I guess so they can sell to someone?).


It is also heavily used by the community of “not white and often not American” folks. See #blacklivesmatter.

It is my primary way of hearing about things. The things that Cory and others post here? I usually see them two days earlier on twitter.

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Is anyone else sad this thread about a founder spurning us has such a bOING-y title?


not a problem.


I really want to comment on this and hear the witty thoughts of my fellow mutants, alas, the mark comment bug/feature has returned.


Neither. From what was said before, he specifically chooses not to enable comments on his posts. I believe he made some…comment…on the effects of comment/discussion on his posts and not wanting to deal with them. Am I misremembering?

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You are not misremembering, it is confirmed by BB staff if you scroll up in this very topic.


“It’s not a bug. It’s a feature.”

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