Colbert on Alex Jones: "This is why you don’t mix steroids with peyote"



Aaaah that’s right! How could I have forgotten rotoscoped Alex Jones :slight_smile:


He makes the Coast To Coast denizens seem like sane and rational people.


I like Coast To Coast, especially driving long distance late at night. George Noory doesn’t really endorse or criticize the nutty theories people call in with, he just lets them feel listened to by a calm voice that nudges them back on-topic when they start going off into the weeds. That’s more helpful to those folks than arguing or amplifying, I think.


Yeah Art came across as I find all this stuff interesting and love the guests and callers but don’t really believe it. I haven’t heard much of George.

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Right on the first example of him screaming, two things happened.

The first was that my preconceptions about right-wingers being ruled by the loudest Red-Faced Shouty Man was confirmed.

The second was remembering the “Criminal Libel” segments on the old 80s satire show Spitting Image. Alex Jones is Horace Angryperson!


If Trump is taking this guys calls we are truly in deep trouble. Trump maybe a bigger idiot than even Trump is letting on. The congress better wake the !#@$ up and get this guy out of office.

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Well done, Mr. Colbert. Now we need a comedian to dig into the idiots who seriously want to reignite the Cold War with their stupid conspiracy theory that the Russians are somehow to blame for Trump.

Come on, Stephen, we know you can do it!


You missed out on the Russians hacking the email of Jon Podesta and the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee and their leaking the emails of Jon Podesta and Democratic National Committee? Russians don’t deserve the entirety of the blame for Trump, but they are certainly a contributing factor.


He’s been fairly (and justifiably) underground up until recently; a talk show host in the vein of Rush Limbaugh but with the crazy dialed to 11. Here’s a post from another thread…

A quick roundup of things Alex Jones believes:
• Many politicians are secretly lizard people.
• The government is creating gay people by putting estrogen in kids’ juice boxes.
• Hillary Clinton attends a “witches church” and she is a literal demon who smells like rotting meat.
Chemtrails are a real thing the government uses to control us.
Vaccines are causing mental illness and the government will declare martial law to enforce them.
• Michelle Obama is actually a man, and she murdered Joan Rivers.
• Hillary runs a child prostitution ring out of a pizzeria.
• Hillary has ‘personally murdered and chopped up and raped children’.
• People he doesn’t agree with, such as George Will, should be murdered or should violently kill themselves for his amusement.


That’s a great example of how Alex Jones and his followers take a tiny grain of truth and spin it into a foaming conspiracy theory:

FACT: some plastics and paper coatings have BPA, which can mimic estrogen.
FACT: for BPA to have estrogen-mimicking effects on someone, they’d have to ingest tons of the stuff or handle it for many many hours every single day, and even then, we don’t really know if the effects are dangerous, so studies are just urging caution.
CONSPIRACY! If BPA acts like estrogen, then it makes men into women!
CONSPIRACY! That means plastic instantly makes men both gay and ladies! (??)
CONSPIRACY! That means the government is putting plastic in juice boxes to make boys into gay ladies!

(ps: a common thread among conspiracy nuts is that they don’t know how homosexuality works on a basic elementary school level)


[quote=“petzl, post:29, topic:95796, full:true”]

You missed out on the Russians hacking the email of Jon Podesta and the Democratic National Committee and the Republican National Committee and their leaking the emails of Jon Podesta and Democratic National Committee? [/quote]

There’s no evidence that that leak was in any way conclusive for the outcome of the election, and it’s ridiculous to believe such a thing with zero evidence. A valid alternative is that the Democrats lost the election all by their own selves. Especially by not having any real issues and not taking Trump seriously in the Democratic strongholds where he won in the end, ultimately by campaigning as if they deserved to win against a lunatic like Trump.

There are so many reasons to ba against this incompetent loose cannon currently known as POTUS - accusing him and the Russians for something which is not documented or even true, stirring up old Cold War ghosts on the way, all in order to avoid assuming responsibility for the calamity they brought on themselves (and the American people) is not just counterproductive, it’s incredibly irresponsible. “Own up to our mistakes? No, why don’t we just start WWIII instead.”

So. Allegedly intelligent people such as Stephen Colbert should be mocking the Russia bullshit rather than perpetuating it. I kind of agree with Glenn Greenwald on that one.

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And the pesky Russians interfering in other people’s elections. Who but a monster would ever do such a thing? I’m shocked, I tell you, shocked!


but being gay is bad, they know that part.


That is ridiculous.

There was constant, strategic drip-drip-drip of email (wiki)leaks. You obviously must’ve been asleep for 2016. (Curiously, the Russians did hack the RNC also, but released nothing to wikileaks; I cant imagine why.)

Are you in some boiler room in Leningrad? This isn’t even disputed [by people who should know, US Intelligence agencies] that the Russians hacked the emails. Sad!

Careful. By this diversion of whataboutism, you concede the culpability of the Russians.


They’re not? Who knew? :open_mouth:


There’s clips of Alex Jones I’ve seen where he rants that he’s seen examples of men drinking juice out of juice boxes and waking up the next morning wanting to put on makeup and wear dresses.

Basically, the wrongness of men being weak and effeminate is something that seems to guide a scary amount of far-right and alt-right thinking.


Why did I have a sip of coffee in my mouth right when he said:

Take a couple of sips, and your Capri Sun becomes your Capri daughter.

BRB, have to find a rag to clean up.


Is it documented that the leaks were decisive to the election result? That was what I was addressing. Do you have a link to that evidence?

Wait, Joan Rivers is dead?