College professor caught on video telling couple to "go back to your home country"

I don’t see how a person with such clearly stated racist beliefs could reasonably be expected to treat all her students with equal respect. Maybe she needs a job that doesn’t entail actually interacting with people.


Even if it were possible, that footage is enough to cast sufficient reasonable doubt about her motivations for every poor grade and low score she’s ever given to any student of color, over the course of her long, tenured career.

Internal hierarchy and bureaucratic red tape aside, a college or university is still first and foremost a business… and businesses tend to be highly adverse to endangering their profit margins.


Perhaps she should organize Neanderthaler Pride marches to raise awareness of this issue?

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I don’t necessarily disagree, but remember that most of the time w/r to campuses this is the argument used by the right against the left. There are radical conservative organizations whose stated mission is to “disrupt” American campuses, and they do it by “exposing” faculty for their “hateful” opinions both on and off the campus. If you can find policy language that can be used to keep a racist out of the classroom even though they keep their racism to themselves when teaching, and not have that language keep atheists or gun-control advocates or socialists out of the classroom, please share it with an academic world that has been struggling mightily with the issue for several years now.


Or enroll in career counseling.

A friend (deceased) was a ‘conflict mediator’ for a university union for 25 years, when he retired he became a devout Buddhist monk till he passed on. He did comment it was incredible the level of immaturity within the faculty department ranks. Petty and trivial ruled the roost. I can imagine he had met her type adjudicating grievances.


Obligatory Tom Tomorrow cartoon (from 2002):


Where are the European Americans being displaced to I’d like to know. I mean if it’s somewhere nice I’ll go too I guess. Unless they’re always whining about being displaced then I don’t want to be around them.

I’ll never understand why people care what shade this or any country is in 50 or 100 years time. Relax…you’ll be dead and gone and I’m sure your kids or grandkids won’t give a damn because that’ll be the world they grew up in.


I haven’t lived in a majority-white community for most of my adult life. I seriously don’t get what the big deal is for those people.


With every job you should basically consider yourself “on the clock” 24 hours. Stupid behavior isn’t excusable just because it wasn’t on the clock. We’ve all seen and known people who have been fired for far less, because of their after hours choice of activities. Often in contracts your ibligated to uphold the reputation of the employer. This woman should have been walked straight out. And yes. Every racist is basically unemployable. Did you not read the story about the teacher who “infiltrated” her school and is working to “indoctrinate” her students, parents and other teachers with “white pride”? Yeah there’s no defending that and they need to labeled as scum and left to rot. White people need to shut up and stop crying about how they’re the victims. Please, I am white and I know too well I’ve enjoyed nothing but privileged because of the color of my skin.


‘Right wing academic’ is a contradiction in terms.


If you ask about moral right, then yes, maybe they do, It depends on their morals though. Otherwise no, I don’t think so.
Having said that, there is no smooth transition from racist society to non racist society which is why I might feel conflicted if she gets fired for something she did on her own time, but won’t lose any sleep over it either.

Displacement of European Americans?!

I thought most of California originally belonged to Mexico?


The “Displacement of European-Americans” meme isn’t just racist, it’s explicitly white supremacist. That is well beyond “normal” incidental racism.


I think many people may be surprised to know that this is happening all the time to many many minorities on a constant basis.

If it’s not blatant as it is here, it’s the more casual “where are you from?” question or “where are you from originally?”. And if you were to flip the question on the person asking, they would say “oh I’m American”. But I guess you can only say that ‘you’re just American’ if you are white. I’m sorry that sounds harsh but I asked where I’m from like daily . People don’t like when minorities bring this up because it doesn’t seem like a big deal I suppose but if you get asked this question constantly it is hard to ignore the implicit assumption that supposedly I’m not really American. And that pisses me off.


I usually ask “what’s your family’s background” though the “where are you from” doesn’t have to be seen as a racist thing because if the person answers something like… They’re original from Boston or whatever I still find that a really interesting answer and will ask them more about that


it might be demeaning, but it’s not racist unless they are excluding you from the structures of power.

here in the us, treating somebody as if they just arrived implies that there are somehow “natives”, and that this new person doesn’t belong.

it says that the speaker’s life experience in this country has been so segregated that they believe a different accent or a different skin color automatically means “other”.

it reflects that - even if the speaker themselves isn’t “racist” - that the society we live within is. that racism skews all of our “gut instincts” against the statistics of the actual makeup of the country.

and it means, maybe, that the speaker has done very little work to create a more accurate world view for themselves.

but, that’s privilege in a nutshell. it doesn’t affect the speaker much to have their skewed view. it mainly hurts the recipient who winds up having to prove themselves at every turn: to cops, employers, random strangers.


“I never voted for you!” - what??? Her brain seems to be short circuiting at the idea that they are actual Americans and can only come up with some semblance of political gibberish to continue the conversation.

The level of White supremacist, elitism is off the charts.