College student wants graphic novels banned "I expected Batman and Robin, not pornography"

I invite everyone over to the comments at the ‘Redland Daily Facts Newspaper’ hyperlinked in the article… You will have a pleasant time. It was quite reassuring - to me, at least.

I was a bit nervous to see how people common to that news-site would be reacting BUT boy are the comments so nicely satisfying (at least to the likes of me… so I assume to the likes of you other BB’ers).
So, yay us… and yay common sense!


Hot Tip - Batman: The Dark Knight returns does have Batman and Robin, but it also has a bare chested Nazi with swastikas on her boobs.


You would not believe the nudity and violence you can see inside churches and Christian art in general. It’s not a Game of Thrones level of boobs and beheadings, but the influence is obvious.


Yes. (!) The WE is problematic here. Dinner @ x house sux tonite!!!

Hey, I was expecting batman and robin, not batman and robin!


So a comic book shows a bit of bush and a not-entirely-explicit depiction of cunnilingus, and it’s “pornographic”. But the Bible gets to go on about horse jizz as much as it likes.


Oh my god! Was that Penthouse magazine my dad negligently hid under the couch (Thanks, Dad!) too pornographic for a fifth grader?

Tara is in college to learn how to think critically and express herself. May I suggest that she express how she feels about these graphic novels and allow other students the freedom to see them so as to be able to do the same?


If you’ve got the picture behind you, you should be able to avoid looking at it or even saying the word. Just avert your eyes, point in that direction and say whatever word you were taught to avoid hell.

I prefer “Super Soaker”

Everyone will know what you mean!


Coming to the discussion late–on the one hand I had a professor who was nearly fired for assigning Lolita. A student objected. The doddering head of the English department who’d been a contemporary of Hawthorne had never heard of it–this was only 1982, after all–but agreed it was a terrible book after the student read selected passages to her.

On the other hand a student who’d been raped had strong objections to being assigned to read Yeats’s Leda And The Swan during an exam. Then again she did read and analyze the poem. Even if part of her analysis was deeply personal it did raise legitimate questions about the poem.


if miss shultz thinks that sandman is pornography she has really lead a extremely sheltered life and has no appreciation of some of the best graphic art of the last 30 years.


Hey, I started college a few months before my 18th. It’s not that extraordinary. Then again, I was already a thoroughgoing pervert.


Ahhh. The real reason she’s doing this – practicing for practicing law.


I live in Yucaipa. If we had as many preternaturally gifted children here as we do meth addicts, the world would be a better place.



  1. She’s taking a 250 course in lit- that’s very likely a sophomore course. That makes it deeply unlikely that she’s under age. She’s an adult, end of story.
  2. She had the syllabus ahead of time.
  3. Daddy thinks he matters here because he’s paying. This isn’t the case.
  4. This is, pretty clearly, I think, an attempt to punch out of the course after having blown the drop date. Everything else is obfuscation.

In short: This is college. Dig in or GTFO.


Well said.
In one hand I am saddened for a young woman who has been indoctrinated and may never really feel comfortable exploring and accepting things outside of her bubble.
In the other hand, I am furious that many choose to enforce their moral beliefs onto others. She has the right not to take the class, why the need to ruin it for others?


I even wondered if she wanted to rebel a little bit, and thought this course may be exciting. Obviously she knew what the course was really about within the first class or two.
Somehow Dad got involved with it a few weeks later and decided that wasnt right for his daughter.

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She should really just take the course and begin each essay she’s required to write with a short disclaimer/complaint about how she writes under duress because the subject matter challenged her worldview and/or made her nethers feel tingly.

I don’t know how that would affect her curve

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If I was her instructor, it would affect her grade. Negatively.


I have a college story about something similar: first week of classes the veterans make us do some chores as a kind of rite of passage. There’s this alternative fanzine xeroxed and distributed by a professor, full of concrete poetry and some erotic poetry from this poet the professor wrote a book about. The fanzine and the professor are well known and beloved on campus. So one of the freshman girls must read one of the verses from that poet and BOY does she get incensed! She goes home in tears after reading some four lines of it. Her parents wrote not to the head of her course but to the RECTOR of the entire University complaining about their daughter being forced to read pornographic verses by bullies. The entire college snickered and giggled at her for a year after that. She was 19 or 20 and no one could believe how someone could be that sheltered.

Decades pass by and she adapts fairly well to adult life but still cringes any time people bring up the fact that her parents wrote to the rector about that poem. And I am totally guilty of being in the process of sharing this article with her and say “I saw this and though of you” some 15 years after that happened.

TL;DR: Every time her classmates make contact with her after college they’ll remember this shitty thing she did when she was 20. She probably won’t be this incredibly dumb after college. Maybe.


To be fair, when I was in university my dad would call them in my name, and even forge my signature, without my permission and to my great consternation. I was a “late bloomer” in my mid to early 20s, so it was even worse. He even opened all my mail while I was in college, since I was using his address because I didn’t trust the stoned mail-monkeys on campus (and there was a two day delay for getting mail), always with the same excuse; “I didn’t read the address, I thought it was for my wife.”

The most annoying was when he called the front desk of my dorm, making me a missing person because I didn’t call him back for two days (hiking and a 70 page paper).

Parents are parents, and will do what parents do.