Colorado court rules: Trump can't run in 2024 election

He’s not one of the four, he resigned before he could be impeached.

Two of the four Presidential impeachments belong to the same guy.


They have a plan.


That’s all true, but there was a bipartisan commission that reported back that he was responsible for an insurrection. They in fact recommended that Trump be banned from office under the 14th. So if SCOTUS wanted to defer to the legislative branch that has power here that branch has decided that this was an insurrection.


Yep. From the first time TFG got elected:

“I think America is racist.”


Indeed and in addition, he did not organize a failed coup…

Not everyone no… some did, especially once he got the nomination.

Who was not impeached, of course. Trump was impeached twice.

Doesn’t matter, as he still can’t be on the ballot on the general.

And a judge who has ruled that he engaged in insurrection in Arizona (but did not remove him for the ballot).

Yes, I’m very fucking aware, thanks. I wasn’t born yesterday.

Mike Yard K GIF by The Nightly Show


I don’t think that video aged very well. The tone of it was basically, “Well of course he won, but it’ll be ok. How bad could he be?”


Last thing I saw of Dave Chapelle, he was in a photo with Lauren Boebert…


Yeah, I wasn’t going to comment on Chapelle, but…there is that. And his rabid transphobia. And railing against wokeness. And his crying about being canceled while cashing massive checks from Netflix. Yeah, that video definitely hasn’t aged well.


Let’s not forget him using his high profile to show up at a local county council meeting to try and get an affordable housing project built near him…


I don’t think they were saying it wasn’t going to be bad… they were just saying that in the context of y’know, slavery, and the lynchings, and the Oklahoma City race massacre, that this is not an aberration for America.


Yeah you know who also sucks? Liz Cheney:

For many of the same reasons, and then some more that are just her. But this year, so far at least, she’s on the right side of the only thing that matters… I thought the Rachel Maddow intro to her interview of Cheney was interesting for exactly that reason. So I guess my point would be that whether or not Chapelle has been voted off the island at this point - for good reasons - if he has bad shit to say about Trump, I’ll take it.


They seem to be in denial. They keep talking about the primary ballot without mentioning why he can’t be on that ballot or the general.

And they better check the party rules. I would be shocked if they did not have a section in their own rules that qualifies who can be a valid party presidential nominee: At least 35, native-born American, etc. They might not list the 14th directly, but an etc would cover it.


Yeah, I don’t understand what they hope to accomplish. If he’s successfully barred from the primaries, what makes them think he won’t also be barred from the general? Are they assuming that the same parties that sought this outcome are just going to say, " the primaries were good enough for us. Let’s let 'im have this one?"


there’s always this, but there’d be have to be an unprecedented shift to the right or some serious electoral malfeasance

No person… shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof… But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability

eta: it would be a weird thing if the supreme court said ■■■■■ can run and defer whether he can be a president until after the election. ( the 14th doesn’t mention “primary”, “ballot”, or “election”. only “no person shall hold an office” )


Nice summary.

As an outside-the-USian, I only started to understand American politics with someone explained that the first two words - “United States” - mean exactly what they say. The USA is a collection of states that have loosely united. And a lot of those states have very different cultural outlooks and goals. As was explained to us Australians by an Australian journalist living in America: “Louisiana and Washington State have less in common than Wales [UK] and New South Wales [Australia].”


The VA Republicans did this exact thing in the 2020-21 cycle, but it was to avoid having a Trump clone nominated for gov. Amanda Chase would have been elected had it gone to a primary, but they switched to a caucus, which they specifically held on a Saturday to exclude the Jewish Republicans, whose support they were lacking. As always, the Republicans are all about ruling, and not interested at all in representing. They are our betters, and will tell us what we want.


I sit corrected. He did pull a number of dirty tricks (via his goons) during his tenure as president, hence the moniker.


If I recall correctly, from what I’ve read Congress was going to impeach him. The leadership of his own party met with him and said “Yeah, you’re :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:ed. We’re going to convict you if this goes to a vote.”

So like the cat who tried to jump a gap and failed, Nixon decided to save face and make it look like it was his decision to leave voluntarily (“I meant to do that!”) rather than him getting forcibly thrown out of office.


This is just me being an idiot, but I actually skipped over the fact that the ruling applied to the primary at all, I assumed it was the general.

The primary is just an intraparty nomination poll. I’m surprised that the 14th amendment has a bearing on who the party is allowed to nominate.

I would have thought I’d be allowed to form an Elect Foreigners for President party, and nominate the king of England if I wanted to, on first amendment grounds, even though he’d be barred from appearing on the general ballot.

Perhaps the issue is the use of the apparatus of the state to conduct the primary.


The enemy of my enemy is my enemy’s enemy. Nothing more, nothing less. She is an asshat. In the Trump arena, she is opposing him for her own reasons, which may or may not correspond to ours. If her public statements weaken Il Douche, so much the better, but I wouldn’t trust her one tiny bit.