Colorado court rules: Trump can't run in 2024 election

They sent Goldwater to that “come to Jesus” meeting, knowing that was needed to crack Nixon.

I doubt that there’s anyone who could have convinced TFG to step down, except maybe a convincing hologram of himself.


”Help me Donald, you’re my only hope!”




I keep saying some of these Justices are not the locks for Trump people think they are.


Gorsuch has just received a visit from the Ghost of Decisions Past, one that will haunt him long past the holiday season.


Don’t forget, Gorsuch wrote the majority opinion in Bostock v. Clayton County. He may sincerely still agree with his decision in that earlier lower court case. He’s not great, but he’s not the default right wing position lock that Thomas and Alito are.


He also seems to have a capacity for feeling shame that’s completely lacking in Thomas and Alito and mostly absent in Kavanaugh and Barrett. Let’s hope that prevails over political pressure from the GOP to cash in the favour.


The House Republican also backed the suggestion that Biden’s border policy amounts to “insurrection,” and thus he should be removed from the 2024 presidential ballot in red states. This appears to be retaliation for the Colorado Supreme Courtruling that Donald Trump is not eligible to run for president again in the state because of his efforts to overturn the 2020 presidential election result and the January 6 2021 attack on Congress by his supporters.


Ah, here’s my answer. It comes down to Colorado’s state law (probably other states have this law, but I don’t know) that prohibits unqualified candidates from being on the primary ballots.

Here, the plaintiffs argued that Griswold would be committing a “wrongful act” by placing Trump’s name on the state’s presidential primary ballot because the state’s election code limits ballot access to “qualified candidates” only.

(From @RickMycroft 's Gorsuch link above)

Indeed, Gorsuch ruled on this exact issue of putting a foreigner on the ballot on first amendment grounds, and said the state was allowed to bar it.


Gorsuch was the Federalist Society pick for the position, which is not always going to be in alignment with what Trump wants.

The Federalist Society doesn’t CC me on their nomination process, but they can’t pick a robot. They need someone who can do that law-talking stuff with an originalist toolbox to come up with semi-justifiable results.


This is exactly why the MAGA party has shifted its base of legislative think-tank advisors from the Federalist Society to the Heritage Foundation over the past few years. The trajectory is only going to get worse.


“heritage foundation”

God what a name though.


Absolutely, no reason to trust her generally. OTOH, she did self-immolate on the issue of taking down Trump, and she had supported him through the first impeachment but turned on him after the insurrection and second impeachment, so on that point at least I think she has demonstrated sincerity because of the particular circumstances. She seems to be willing to pull a Christie and run to the right of Trump so that people who are very conservative can vote for someone that isn’t Biden (these people being the hardest core of conservatives this should hurt Trump.)

But as soon as TFG is gone, if she was on fire I wouldn’t piss on her to put her out. She’s likely seeing being a leader in destroying Trump as setting her up for leadership in a post-Trump in-the-wilderness GOP, and she remains anti-LGBTQ, anti-environment, and anti-abortion. So like, no real improvement except not full fascists.


Other people, not me; especially once he got the GQP nomination.

I was one of the people who was mortified and tried to warn others.

You think that actually matters to the likes of the Proud Boys or the Klan?

Y’know what, it’s my last day of work before Xmas vacay; and my early gift to myself is discontinuing this futile conversation.

Happy Holiday!


You have to be eligible to hold office to be on the ballot.


Yup- “This country was founded by puritans and we must honor their heritage” or some bullshit like that. In practice, their plan is absolutely to install a fascist dictatorship wearing a transparent veil of being Christ-like. (Who I’m pretty certain would not approve of people using His name in that manner whatsoever.)

And it’s being done openly- look up Project 2025, and get motivated to do something to fight it: the easiest thing to do is Vote Blue and take away access to the levers of power to Trump and all his cronies and keep the wheels of justice turning. (they grind slowly, but ever so fine.)


Virtual reality doesn’t qualify for the ballot.


They should try & fly that flag in New Orleans.


Or NY. Or Puerto Rico. Etc.


Or Virginia, or Pennsylvania.