Colorado School District arms its security guards with semiauto Bushmaster rifles

The lack of qualified immunity opens the district up to a whole lot of liability if the guards so much as brandish these rifles. The guards are open to criminal charges should they harm anyone with these weapons. Taxpayers could be on the hook for millions if anything does go wrong. Education funding is artificially strained by knuckle-dragging fools who believe that the people they entrust with preparing their kids for adult life are living high off their hog. Lawsuits only make a bad funding situation worse.


The NRA lobbied against the CDC funding because in the 90s they went from “research and data gathering” to advocacy and accused of “using intentionally flawed research methods”. So you can see why the NRA lobbied to stop a government entity from doing that. Keep in mind too of the environment at the time included the AWB recently passed and things like S&W being strong armed by the Clinton administration.

They actually aren’t not allowed to gather stats. They still do, and you can get reports on death totals for homicides, suicides, and accidents. The bill’s language says, "Provided further, that none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control.” This was on another large budget bill which passed in 1997 under Clinton and had overwhelming majority support from both Rs and Ds. Granted though, that part of the bill was only a small foot note to the rest of the various budgets and restrictions.


  1. The CDC can still GATHER and present data on gun deaths.

  2. The CDC is only one of many other government agencies that track gun deaths, for example I have seen stats from the FBI and the Justice Department.

  3. NOTHING is stopping any state from gathering and analyzing data.

  4. NOTHING is stopping third party gathering and analysis of data (even advocacy).

  5. Blaming the big bad NRA is misplaced. That bill limited just the CDC on advocacy, it doesn’t stop all research at the CDC nor does it affect any of the above mentioned entities. We don’t have missing data because of the NRA. We just aren’t tracking all the stats we should. Like cop shootings are woefully lacking in tracking and details.

“Nothing is stopping…” in the same post where you admit that lack of funding is the problem.

Our Congress doesn’t want a functioning country, and they’ve figured out that the best way to effect that goal is to deprive government agencies and individual citizens of necessary funding.


looks at plethora of evidence of how hard it is for a LEO to become “former”

looks even further at array of evidence for LEOs abusing authority and engaging in petty-ante tyranny and bullying of children that can’t resist

This statement is supposed to make the idea of there being rifles at school more palatable?!


The “scope” facing the other direction would be far more entertaining. And possibly more accurate.

Patrolling a school with any sort of lethal device is spectacularly batshit insane.

If your schools require armed defence, your problem is much bigger than school security.


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