I like the sub-headline: “Best kept secrets of a Lycra swimsuit”. Given that the intended audience for this is the wacky right-wing, that headline functions on more than one level.
Sure there is! Oh, not at Chick-Fil-A…
(EDIT: Now I see that @Brainspore beat me to it…)
Do they turn Red if you break your vow?
I think the hollow cross is just a matter of practicality, also its cheaper. What disturbs me is that they have children carrying around a torture implement. The whole affair is disturbing too and will most likely completely skew the worldview of the children involved, just like what I assumed happened to their parents.
yay! geo-restriction!
That’s where the phase “Clutches Pearls” originally came from.
Perhaps, but then again, in reference to your “gay partnership” analogy, is more aligned with a moral (amoral if you will) perspective, rather than just a religious practice? I know very little about fundamentalist Christians but if The Bible is the foundation of their religious belief I would have to wonder where in the Bible “Promise Dances” occur?
Promise Balls
You done spelled ‘purty’ wrong…
[Citation Needed]
In the last “legitimate” federal election he didn’t even get 50% of the vote.
I didn’t realize they had a Supreme Court too.
Sounds kinda hateful.
I do have a warning for you, my friend. If you post messages in support of the The Other you stand a good chance of being banned until 2016.
BB does not like The Other.
Now, as others before me have pondered, if these events were focused on “Inner City Youths” would you be as critical?
I most certainly would, “Inner City Youths” as I’m sure they love being referred to shouldn’t be carrying around toture implements and engaging in weird sexual repression excersises either.EDIT: especially at an age that endows them with next to no critical thinking skills and in a climate that probably isn’t particularly conducive to said skills.
But how do they know sex exists if they are not told about it?
I’m not used to being complemented for a Godwin, although I personally believe mentioning the Daily Mail is a Godwin in itself.
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