Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 2)

“We also have information that the medical professionals get in regard to hospital capacity, hospital cases, hospital COVID cases, in ICU, in hospitals, etc.,” Hines said. “They absolutely admit the numbers are coming down, getting much better.”

What do we do with people who act like this, think like this…or pretend to think like this. Whatever his damage.

And that picture.

I don’t want my kid to be involved with school sports because I don’t want him to associate with or have any part of his life controlled by people like this.


…So lets go get them back up!


The Brazilian government finally decided to buy vaccines from pharmaceutical companies Janssen and Pfizer.

The American pharmaceutical company had been offering its vaccine since September 2020, but the Brazilian government at first ignored the offer and when questioned by the media, the authorities said the contract had unfair terms.

Local journalists recently discovered that the government had accepted the same contractual clauses when purchasing the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.

The Ministry of Health also bought 10,000,000 doses of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V.


Party game!

“Putin has pictures of Bolsonaro and _________.”


Bolsonaro mobilizes government to get to know an anticovid spray developed in Israel, and sends a delegation of authorities to the country in the Middle East, which is ending the pandemic with vaccines.

Although the drug is still in the early stages of testing; the product is treated as ‘miraculous’ by the Brazilian president.


People are saying He only decided to buy the vaccines because his “enemies” bought and developed vaccines first. But He thinks it is better using miraculous drugs in the so called “early treatment”.


I’m old, but not at the age cutoff for Hawaii (which is 75), I have some official comorbidities (though borderline), and I teach via Zoom (though I signed up to teach in person). The first time I was offered the jab I decided against it as I decided I shouldn’t be a priority. The second time I was offered it I was also told that if I didn’t take it I might not have another chance for an indeterminate time. That, plus the email from my state senator talking about how wonderful it was that he’d already had both shots (he’s around 40) convinced me to go ahead.

I also think logistics will ultimately be the biggest issue in getting the vaccine out, and – however bad the distribution mechanisms in place are (and in some places they are criminally bad) – not taking the chance when offered probably will screw things up more.


Indiana has decided to use ONLY age as their determinant: they are not vaccinating teachers, essential workers (if non-medical), or those with comorbidities. They’re going with the argument that covid is most lethal for older patients, without comprehending that people who actually have to go to work and/or school are more likely to catch it and pass it to many others, including old people.


Too bad it would have to be something like that. I certainly haven’t been impressed with how Indiana has generally handled the pandemic.


au contraire, as long as there’s good internet in the covid icu – even texans will find this useful.

( well, not abbott. he’s already vaccinated. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: )


The one good thing is that the very Republican governor put a mask mandate in place very early.

Individual Hoosiers will say things like ‘are you a sheep?’ or ‘are you just wearing a mask because the government is making you?’ but the mask mandate continues despite their whining.


“Arizona’s students need to be back in the classroom,” Ducey said in a press statement announcing his executive order. “The science is clear: it’s time all kids have the option to return to school so they can get back on track and we can close the achievement gap.”

“Haha! I’m gonna kill those fucking teachers for embarrassing me with that Red for Ed shit.”


Care to share how that’s done? I’ve got a PiHole that could do this. But I’m not where sure to start with this web-scraping wizardry. I know what wget is, but beyond the most simple of invocations, I’m lost.


Ah, I’m afraid that it’s a specialized answer for Lazarus/Free Pascal/Indy.

99% of the time, a wget to fetch the page, then a grep to search for the key string would do the job. In this case, they added a cookie trap that usually requires a browser with javascript enabled to pass the test.

There’s probably a way to gimmick wget to do it, but I already had an app to fetch the weather forecast, so adding a TIdCookieManager, and disarming their cookie trap wasn’t a big deal. Their cookie trap page lacks a title, so that’s how I know that I have to set the cookie and try again.

procedure TPiCrateForm.CheckForCovid;
  s     : string;
  sPage : string;
  sCode : string;
  sIP   : string;
  slX   : TStringList;
  slX := TStringList.Create;

  s := FormatDateTime('nn:ss', now);
  if (s = '06:00') or
     (s = '21:00') or
     (s = '36:00') or
     (s = '52:00') then
    sPage := '';
    if FetchPage(CovidURL, sPage) then
      if pos('<title>', sPage) = 0 then
        // Cookie warp fuckery
        slX.Text := sPage;
        s := ''''+between(sPage, 'setCookie(''', ');', false);
        sCode := Between(s, '''', ''',', false);
        sIP   := Between(s, ', ''', '''', false);

        IdCookieManager1.AddServerCookie(sCode +'='+sIP, TIdURI.Create(''));
        FetchPage(CovidURL, sPage);
      slX.Text := sPage;
      if pos('Vaccinations appointments fully booked.', sPage) = 0 then
        // Message is gone, play a sound
        Memo2.Lines.Add(FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss', now)+' Ready!');
      else begin
        // Temp sound
        Memo2.Lines.Add(FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss', now)+' Vaccinations appointments fully booked.');
    else begin
      Memo2.Lines.Add(FormatDateTime('hh:nn:ss', now)+' Fail');


This is a compromise which I think will kill people.

I am so worn out. We could have had #nocovid, but there simply isn’t the will even to try.


After saying to mayors that the Ministry of Health would buy vaccine from Pfizer this Wednesday, General Pazuello says that this topic is still under negotiation with the American company and has not yet bought anything.


Yay, it worked!

COVID-19 Vaccines have arrived in York Region

They haven’t updated the individual clinics yet, but they’ll probably get to that as soon as they have more coffee, and I’ll be ready this time.


SMFH, we just can’t seem to get past “if white people can get the vaccine, then it must be OK, right?”

California clinics: More vaccines going to rich than at-risk (

When Orange County started opening large-scale vaccination sites in mid-January, community health centers asked for doses too, said Isabel Becerra, chief executive of the Coalition of Orange County Community Health Centers.

“We don’t have transportation. We don’t speak English. We don’t understand the technology you’re asking us to use to register and get in line. So, can we vaccinate the 65 and older population in the comfort of their own facilities?” she said.


Things are getting worse…

Record number of young patients in Covid ICU

THL: Increase in infections putting strain on healthcare services

Finland hits 60,000 total infections

764 deaths attributed to coronavirus as of Thursday 4.3 (up by 5 since Wednesday)