Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 2)

Sh*t happens…


Ten COVID-19 vaccines could be available by the middle of next year

So here’s a question… are we going to have to worry about vaccine interactions?

My ignorant take on the matter would be in the negative, but might it be a question to address… :thinking:


I think there must be a lot of people scared / crazy enough to have a cocktail of vaccines.


If all the vaccines were just traditional antigen vaccines, then no. But they aren’t. There are several new types of vaccine that could negatively interact with others. What happens when a programmed immune system goes after anything that looks like the SARS-COV-2 virus, and a patient receives a dose of an antigen vaccine that, you guessed it, looks like the SARS-COV-2 virus? It’s possible the effect could be to blunt the effectiveness of both viruses. Worse, if the antigen virus accumulates, for instance, on blood vessel walls or in an organ like the liver, what happens when the immune system targets it? Could you get bleeding? Organ failure? We don’t know, and until the drug companies do interaction testing, people should avoid mixing different types of vaccine, IMO.

Friday, November 27, 2020

Mostly Spared This Year

There was a brief flurry of “you must give a hug to your sad Trump supporter friends!” but we were mostly spared the annual Thanksgiving tradition of white centrists telling us how “we” can be loving and welcoming to “our” conservative friends and relatives during the turkey meals this year.

These fantasies always reveal a lot about the people who write them and the editors who publish them. They are white. Their imagined audience is white and liberal, but in an “intolerant left” way, unlike the writer. They gloss over the fact that what’s offensive about these conservative relatives isn’t that they want a lower top marginal tax rate, it’s that they’re loud and proud racists who won’t shut the fuck up and stop doing racisms even at Thanksgiving.

People of color are entirely not present in this conversation. No one explains to the conservatives hosting Thanksgiving (for some reason the liberals are always hosting them, and the conservatives the invited guests) that they need to be more accepting of their liberal guests and their odd objections to racism.

Even when conservatives run the entire country (yes, Commie Joe is about to wield the Hammer and Sickle for the next glorious 4 year plan, but mostly conservatives do!), it is the liberals (white) who are supposed to reach out to their conservative (white) brethren.

They’ll be back next year.

Atrios at 08:30

I’m actually shocked they aren’t including a plea to visit Grandma in order to show the virus who’s boss.


Never much interest in Van Morrison, and let’s face it, Clapton wasn’t even the second best guitarist in The Yardbirds…


They are going with a blanket 2000 fans in each stadium. :woman_facepalming:

There is a huge difference between letting 2000 fans watch Arsenal, Spurs or West Ham (each stadium holds around 60,000 people maximum) and letting 2000 fans watch Forest Green, Barrow or Harrogate (5,000 capacity). One size does not fit all.


(This never stops being funny.)


What a bummer. I like some Van Morrison, but luckily I got all the vinyl I have for $1 each at goodwill ages ago, so I know I’ve never contributed to his wallet.


I think we should try not to speculate on this without having a good understanding of both vaccines and the immune system in general. We can worry a bit, but I think we are better off if we try to listen to the experts in those matters and ask them about our questions.

And in the meantime try to influence people to consider vaccination.

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I mean… maybe go read his last encyclical, which sounds like he used the Polanyi and maybe even more marx as reference material… I most certainly don’t agree with the Church on all things, some of their views of obviously strenuously oppose. However, Francis’ focus on the poor, on immigration, on human dignity, on interfaith dialogues, are things that I agree on.

Not exactly something that Barrett would endorse given her political leanings. And besides the problem isn’t that she listens to the Pope (which she may not, considering how many conservative Catholics reject Francis), but that she’s aligned with a shady, possibly cultist, far right religious organization that isn’t only Catholic in orientation.

Honestly, you know what I’d like for religious figures who are either in the US or have some kind of influence in the US would do? Stay in their lane and respect the separation church and state. It’s better for those of us who aren’t religious, obviously, but it’s good for them, too. I don’t expect this country to ever be majority areligious, at least not during my lifetime, and that means we do need to seek some common ground in public life. :woman_shrugging: I have no problem with people using their faith to inform their political views to some extent, such as with people like Jimmy Carter or Raphael Warnock. They don’t seek to impose Christian doctrine as federal law, which isn’t the case with many republicans who very much want to make Christian doctrine federal law.

But sorry… this was off-topic… um… wear a mask and social distant like you have been my dude! :grin:


Gah… paywallededed… ded…

A nice excerpt, tho.



Nov. 15 was the airport’s busiest day since the start of the pandemic with over 6,100 travelers, according to an airport spokesperson. Despite drawing the largest crowds in month, total passenger traffic is still about half of what it was last Thanksgiving. The number of flights is also down.

Traffic today is comparable to a slower than average day last year, according to TAA numbers

Something good, I guess.




Will be there again on Monday


Well, I do. I attended a webinar back in the spring where the mRNA vaccine approach was described in detail, and the researcher was asked that question point blank. And he said that he didn’t know, but that those scenarios could play out - no interaction, blunting of effect, uncontrolled bleeding, or clotting.

So, in response to people who say, “If one vaccine is good, three must be better!” I always respond that, until the interactions have been tested, DON’T.

That is the conservative safe approach.