Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 2)

This medical story is part of The Long Read series in The Guardian.

The guy gets lock-in syndrome, makes an impossible recovery, gets COVID-19, and… after he recovers from it, he finds his speech motor skills improve. Doctors are of course at a loss to explain.

2020 is super weird, like statistically outlier weird.


Were it not for a version of these that I get in Austin for my 89 year old mom, my life would be infinitely more complicated because she’s got serious, even life-threatening, issues re anxiety.

Her chewables (I don’t even call them “edibles” because I don’t want to alarm her) are part of an unshort list of prescriptions for her other medical conditions. She knows what her chewables are and what’s in them. At the beginning of 2020, I’d made it clear that if she wasn’t willing to take them and put a dent in her anxiety level, I couldn’t take care of her any more and she’d have to move to “assisted living plus” (which is basically one of my three uncompensated jobs; I also have three that pay).

All her docs are on board. They helped me tune her dosing sched and amounts.

So grateful CBD gummies are available.

OT but… quasi-related because today is Thanksgiving in the U.S.:


Here we go: Democrat laws are now “unconstitutional”.


It seems like having a live stream allows MORE catholics to do something they have not been able to do, which is to hear the Pope celebrate mass?


Same in Ontario, including the fact that the Ford Conservative government is sneaking unrelated things into COVID bills, such as granting university status to a college led by a homophobic Islamophobic racist.


Oh, nicely spotted. Love that Amy Siskind! +1!

Those people are protected by God, see?

That second category of people is being helped and protected by the first group, right? right? see?!?!


The [right kind of] Christians “just trying to help [save one’s soul]” (a not infrequent occurrence in Texas) definitely get the free pass handed them whenever the Nanny Gubmint Haters holler that “we’re here from the government, and we are here to help” is and (I do quote them) “the most terrifying sentence in the English language.”

Hey man, doublethink is just a phrase, it’s a way of life.


A Toronto BBQ restaurant refused to close his indoor seating and do takeout, became a rallying point for covidiots, got closed, arrested.


Diamanda Galas will now be sung in place of traditional mass.



  1. without close physical proximity to a priest you can’t absorb his critical not-go-to-hell midichlorians

  2. more people listening to this pope not a good thing to Supreme Justice Sister Wife


There’s an idiot here in Maine getting close to this point. He’s friends with Tucker Swanson Antoinette Tyler Carlson (or whatever his insane name is), who has a lake house nearby, so he’s been on that show lamenting his infringed liberties.
The thing I don’t get is how people can’t equate these restrictions with standard health code safety inspections. I mean, would you want to go out to eat in a place knowing there was no oversight of food safety? I wouldn’t, but I guess some people are fine with that.
I’ve worked in restaurants, though, so I maybe know better how really gross commercial food production can be. :woman_shrugging:t2:


and, from what I could see, white supremacists. I hope the fines are punishing, preferably with jail time. Take away his liquor license.

If he keeps reopening, here’s how the 6ix dealt with illegal weed dispensaries.


If I remember correctly, that’s how it’s working over here. You ignore the current restrictions, okay, we take away (or suspend) the licenses to operate. Then if they keep operating, they’re violating the law and can face legal issues.
Its nobody’s “right” to operate a restaurant, just like it’s not a “right” to operate a motor vehicle.
The whole conversation just shows how insanely politicized basic public safety has become.
[Brow furrowed, head shaking in confusion.]

Thursday, November 26, 2020

With Great Power Comes At Least Very Small Responsibilities

The inability of our elites to even fake it occasionally is just maddening.

Denver’s mayor apologized on Wednesday for traveling out of state to visit his family for Thanksgiving, in a statement that came on the same day that he urged residents to “stay home as much as you can.” Health experts have repeatedly asked Americans not to travel for the holiday, warning that it could lead to a severe spike in coronavirus cases and further tax an already overburdened healthcare system.
I know Republican lawmakers are going around the country having “cough in each other’s mouths” parties to Own The Libs, but, yes, I do expect more from Team D.

Atrios at 08:30


JFC. Is there a bingo card out there of officials acting badly re:COVID? This should be on it. Along with “blaming goldstar families for giving you COVID”.


they put property rights at the same level, or higher, than human rights. so they should be able to do whatever they want on their own property.

just don’t cut off the water, sewer, or electricity. don’t close the roads. keep those cops and firefighters well paid please and maybe those teachers i guess. and don’t let anybody put a chemical plant right next door. etc. etc.