This is what a fridge that can store 25,000 doses at -40 to -86 °C looks like.
No, but it assumes people care enough about Great-Aunt Stella to slightly inconvenience themselves.
You might have better luck with, “Hey, if you get run over by a dump truck…”
Navy’s top officer urges sailors to ‘strongly consider’ receiving coronavirus vaccine
I just can’t even deal with that level of cognitive dissonance.
This isn’t oneboxing for some reason, but it’s a call from some prominent experts to suspend IP restrictions in order to get the vaccine out to people faster.
Excellent proposal. We can figure out the $$ later. There is available vaccine output capacity sitting idle as we speak. It should all be utilized.
Covid shall not pass!
So, the rich and famous are forming their own special “groups” to jump line?
He’s old, I get that but groups out of thin air?
What are these groups of which you speak?
Public creating their own groups? Maybe it’s early or I misread but it sounded like it was like a club had been formed to get the vaccine.
More coffee required…
Sweet! Sir Ian and I have the same scarf.
Snowing here today, I will bust mine out.
By “local media” I expect we’re largely talking about the ultra-conservative-owned crap content farms that most local no-longer printed newspapers and TV station sites have become.
Agreed. Our local paper is not giving these fools a platform. They didn’t provide many examples to support their claims in the article.
That article makes no sense to me. Isn’t it better to just cancel Christmas visits this year?
I’m spending Christmas alone, and I’m perfectly fine with it.
It is, but if people insist on getting together, the article and graphic have good advice. I was glad to see all the focus on ventilation. We have been saying this for months in the building performance community. Even longer if you count general indoor air quality issues pre COVID.
And contrary to what some skeptics always claim, you can crack some windows and increase ventilation without freezing the pipes. Yes, you end up conditioning more air as the volume exchanges, but it’s totally worth it, if you insist on getting together IRL. (Which, for the record, I am not. Like you.)