Continuing coronavirus happenings (Part 3)

My mom had this vaccine… She is fine and keeping her pandemic routine with masks, sanitizing gel and avoiding gatherings.


Organizers of the two-day Verknipt festival have insisted that the 20,000 people who attended the event in Utrecht earlier this month were required to show proof using a QR code that they were vaccinated, had recently recovered from a coronavirus infection, or had a negative COVID-19 test.

Why are they still playing around with potluck testing? One false negative or just bad timing could infect many people. Vaccination isn’t perfect, but it should be the minimum requirement for these events.

And if they don’t want to get vaccinated, then fuck their feelings.


Experts advise Brazilians to take any vaccine available to try to stop the virus from circulating throughout the country. But a minority, the so-called “vaccine sommeliers”, prefer to wait for the arrival of specific brands of immunizers. These people would have been influenced by fake news, rumors, supposed side effects and even news about the lack of efficacy of certain vaccines.


Dr Ellen Townsend, professor of psychology and head of the Self-Harm Research Group at University of Nottingham (UoN), is one of the original co-signers of The Great Barrington Declaration.

The letter penned by Oxford University’s Dr Sunetra Gupta, Dr Jay Bhattacharya of Stanford University, and Harvard’s Dr Martin Kulldorff calls for the UK and US to build herd immunity against Covid-19 by letting the virus spread in young people.

Surprise, surprise. It’s one thing to warn of problems resulting from lockdowns, but to go completely anti-lockdown and advocate nincompoop natural herd immunity quackery aka do nothing. FFFFFF!

No amazement that she’s one of the people who thinks we should just accept Covid as part of our lives, forever.


Full approval can’t come soon enough. Ohio has decided emergency use authorization isn’t enough to mandate the vaccine for schools and universities and may also block mask mandates . DeWine Signs Bill Banning Schools, Colleges From Mandating COVID-19 Vaccine Under Emergency Use - WOUB Public Media


This is interesting, but it is very much worth noting how very preliminary these statements are. You can’t even refer to them, mostly, as “data.” Mostly we are seeing case reports and “I saw this interesting thing.” Long long way from there to therapeutic options. Important to follow those threads, some will be valuable, but most will peter out and lead nowhere. I have said many times not to hang your hat on a single study. That applies here in spades.


Newsmax now believes in evolution!

"You know, one thing I’ve always thought, and maybe you can guide me on this because, obviously, I’m not a doctor. But I’ve always thought about vaccines, and I always think about just nature, and the way everything works. And I feel like a vaccination in a weird way is just generally kind of going against nature. Like, I mean, if there is some disease out there — maybe there’s just an ebb and flow to life where something’s supposed to wipe out a certain amount of people, and that’s just kind of the way evolution goes. Vaccines kind of stand in the way of that. Do you follow what I’m saying? Does that make sense to somebody in medicine?”



Is really is hard to clearly communicate important nuances in public health statements, so I’m sympathetic to the CDC’s challenges, but having watched the hours-long video of the CDC’s advisory meeting on myocarditis and digging into some of the data referenced in that meeting I agree with some of the points in this article:


The numbers are unquestionable that there is a link between covid vaccination and subsequent myocarditis. There is. There is also a much stronger correlation between infection and myocarditis. The problem comes in expressing nuanced data in a way that is understandable to most Americans, who sadly have very little tolerance for nuance. I will stick to my “there are two arms to this experiment” (expressed above, I won’t reiterate the whole thing here) model, because it is simple and it is true. Unfortunately, subtlety and nuance, along with any factoid that doesn’t fit on a bumper sticker, are just not tolerated by our current body politic. That makes any educational effort nearly impossible.


IOW, the unvaccinated are the control group?


If that’s true for 12-17 year old males it wasn’t clearly demonstrated in the data that was presented in the CDC advisory meeting. From the article:

So at the very least the CDC owes a better explanation justifying that statement.


Keep your ear-plugs handy. The whining from the anti-vaxers will be shrill.


This is going to sound petty, but I hope they are the kind that feel like the swab is touching your brain.
A person who is unwilling to trust science over anti-vac bullshit has no place in a profession entirely dependent on science. I heartily respect the amount of training, grit, and effort that goes into becoming a nurse or doctor. It’s a hard profession to train for a grueling one to practice. But I do not understand how a person can go through that without figuring out how important it is for them and their patients to be fully vaccinated for everything possible.
I’m hoping the 5th circuit decision in favor of Houston Methodist emboldens more hospitals and practices to mandate vaccines. A Judge Has Thrown Out A Lawsuit Brought By Hospital Workers Over A Vaccine Mandate : NPR


Agree 100%, but as we have discussed many times, this shit has ceased to be about facts and has become about political affiliation, and even some in my profession have fallen prey to that mindset. It is a sad thing to watch.


Damn it! So much for my kid to get the jabs before her fall birthday.
School starts in under a month, Alabama is back to where it was in February, thanks to an abysmal vaccination rate, schools will not require masks for anyone, nor are they going use any distancing measures. It’s going to be an awful fall/winter, and it’s enraging in part because it’s so predictable.